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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • The bigger criticism against Rockstar is as they swing for the fences they’re building the framework to effectively heard western children in like cattle so they can milk them for a generation using their online service.

    I can’t wait for the collaboration with Fannie Mae where your 26 percent interest rate comes with 50000 shark card points.

  • Rockstar has delivered consistently and set new standards far more than Bethesda. I love Bethesda but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t trust Todd. I held off on starfield and was right. I got bamboozled by fallout 76.

    You can disagree with certain decisions by Rockstar but you can’t deny the track record. They get it done.

    You’re right we don’t have the full picture but after 30 years of gaming hype I can tell you theyre shooting for the moon here. And if any developer will successfully stick the landing it’s Rockstar.

  • Who knows how they will approach this. It’s clear they’re going to an even higher level of detail and a more living world. It appears to be a move to up things to the next level which is exactly what we have gotten with basically every gta game.

    All I know for sure is my graphics card just committed suicide after watching this trailer

  • I’ve been tracking the comments on all of this across various websites to see what people’s thoughts are. This genuinely might be the most contentious issue of our age. There are people who are vehemently pro Palestine and can dismiss the loss of civilian lives as’ what do you expect when people are pushed like this’ . Then others are hugely pro Israel and see this as an unprovoked attack by a terrorist group and any retaliation is justified.

    I think everyone’s shitty here. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They use terrorist practices and target civilians. That’s a terrorist organization. There’s no discussion on that point. Israel is a right wing authoritarian state that regularly commits war crimes. The total Palestinian body count far exceeds the death toll from this attack by orders of magnitude so we can’t pretend like Israel was minding its own business and was attacked.

    I don’t think you can point to one or the other as being the true hero or the true victim. It’s the greatest grey area of all time.

    I absolutely condemn the Palestinians and Hamas for this act. I absolutely condemn the Israelis for their continued mistreatment and violence towards Palestinians. One will say they only act this way because of the behavior of the other. But at this point where does the original blame for all of it start and end.

    The only thing that is certain is that there will be far more blood shed and every dead Israeli will be met with 10 dead Palestinians. I suspect this will be the turning point for this ongoing conflict. And in the future there may no longer be a Palestine as we know it. With the US protecting Israel no other Arab countries will dare intervene militarily. If the Israelis occupy Gaza it’s going to quickly become a quagmire with a never ending insurgency. It will be costly and in ten years Israel will be more unsafe then they were today.

    There’s no good answers or good parties here. Just disgusting human nature and the consequences of half baked racist geopolitics from the 40s.

  • He likes to pretend that he’s some Roman emperor god amongst mortals and we are all his playthings. If he were alive in Roman times who knows, he might have been a solid Nero but this is modern times. I suspect if we could see the tweets that historical figures would write we would have a hugely different perspective on them. Many people we hold in high regard were equal levels of dickhead. Unfortunately for him we got to see who he really is and you can’t rehab that image. All he had to do was shut the fuck up and play with his rockets. Instead he will only be remembered as a snowflake right wing troll. Nothing more.

  • It’s much improved now and for a discount it’s worth playing I’d say, but when it came out it was total garbage. Never mind the fact that it barely worked, the whole concept of a story built around audio recordings and reading text was a disaster. They had to explain why you never saw anyone so you spend the first part of it following a character but always just missing them getting messages like ‘hey I had to run but it’s cool just meet me at x location’ then repeating it once you get there.

    I get what they were trying to do but it just failed to come together.

  • I literally just switched to the iPhone 14 after a lifetime of android phones. Honestly I’ve just gotten older and don’t use my phone like I used to. I don’t need to have android for anything specific anymore and the iPhone AirPods Apple Watch combo really just can’t be beat. You can do the combo with android but honestly nothing is as seamless as the Apple options.

    My biggest concern is the longevity of the phone. My android phones all hold their charge well and rarely have issues. My Apple work phone has had its battery crap out after only a year and a half. But still I needed an upgrade and it just made sense.