Yes siree, the excitement never stops!

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • Unless you go to basically a non franchise, non chain, actual asian/chinese restaurant/take out place… yeah basically if you dont do that, you are getting pretty much reconstituted chicken puree doused in… not really even real orange chicken sauce.

    As with much modern food in America… its got waaaay more sugar and is missing other vital parts of the original way of making it.

    Real orange chicken from a real chinese place tastes significantly different, and varies from place to place if they actually make the sauce on site. Usually a different medley of spices and oils… way more flavorful than extremely sweet orangeness.

  • I have at least found that using DnD or other common RPG concepts can be useful in some regards. Dont take it too literally though, the real world obviously does not have a dungeon master.

    You can to some extent view yourself as basically a character with stats, feats, skills and weaknesses.

    It is possible to improve these over time, though how that works in the real world bears little resemblance to games.

    But you can practice and learn new skills and they can end up being useful in niche situations.

    Overall, Kenshi is closer than DnD to real life in that basically /everyone/ is playing by the same rules, you are not special, and trying to do something you are not prepared for can result in catastrophic failure.

    Again: Do not take this hyper literally. There are similarities in some regards, but lots of stuff doesnt translate.

    Theres a reason these worlds are generally designed to facilitate some kind of adventure and narrative creation: thats what many, probably most people desire.

    There arent any roleplaying games I am aware of where the vast amount of /gameplay/ is doing a very boring and stressful job for low pay.

    Because… that isnt fun. But thats the real world we live in.

    So, yes, some concepts from roleplaying games can be beneficial to analogize to real life, but you have to be aware of the limitations.

  • The villain was CGI, but essentially everything else in the film was done with old school effects and actual filming locations.

    Compare this to many, many modern movies where the stage is basically the size of oh about a basketball court and is surrounded by either green screens or high res displays with a few props, where the situation is essentially the inverse of T2: the only real thing is the actor and nearly everything else is CGI.

    Hell even a lot of the shots of the wounded T1000 were done with sculpted mannequins and prosthetics and such.

    Even in a what is probably the best current modern action movie series of John Wick, (though I have yet to see 4 so maybe this has changed) basically my only real gripe with it is that it uses CGI blood in action sequences instead of squibs.

    EDIT: Also somewhat ironically… the latest couple of James Bond movies seem to still be using actual practical effects and real actual locations for action sequences, but apparently James Bond is now woke or gay or something because they bothered to attempt to actually make Bond have a character arc and seem somewhat like an human being with emotions, so theres that.

  • Aha, youre not the first person to point this out to me, though you are by far the most polite and least rude.

    I know how to do markdowns in lemmy.

    I just stylistically like using / encapsulation as a form of emphasis, usually to indicate a tone shift to a more serious and louder tone if you were reading this in your head or aloud.

    Ive found that italics and bold and strikethrough all have different sets of contextual uses that usually evoke slightly different interpretations from most readers, so i kind of just made up my own thing.

    Italics usually convey either a tone shift down to a softer or near whisper, which can be used for ironic inflexion effect, or to just actually denote an actual whisper, or i often also use it if im writing basically a monologue or dialogue and then want to indicate that some kind of action happens.

    Bold text ive found doesnt usually actually imply seriousness or even loudness to most people, but instead actually something more like a boastful and prideful tone.

    I also use it in more serious discussions to focus on key phrases, figures or words that are pivotal to either my argument or the argument of another.

    And then of course theres ALL CAPS which usually denotes basically a tone of quite loud, quite agitated, anger, when used sparringly, … or basically that youre either insane, or very old and cant read small caps well, if its used not sparringly.

  • There are actually… or at least were actually people that refused to use Apple products…

    …because the Apple With A Bite Out Of It logo signifies functionally the mark of the beast, as it represents being willing branded by the symbol of the forbidden fruit that eve took a bite out of and doomed humanity for the sake of knowledge to be able to challenge god with.

    I dont personally know people like that, but i have absolutely met people who, if you put a vr helmet on them and loaded up say the most recent DOOM game, they would be so shocked and horrified they would actually think the device was a cursed unholy contraption that is an /actual/ portal to hell.

    The heavy emphasis on over the top imagery and violence in early shooters is a lot more understandable when you realize the main market demo was basically nerdy white kids rebelling from their very much more normalized extremist christian worldviews in the 90s.

  • I actually had a tankie tell me that Chinese is not actually a bunch of what us Americans would actually more properly call different languages altogether, when I told a story about a friend I knew from Hong Kong, speaking Cantonese and a little a English, had to actually go through me (Cantonese, English, capable of translating Cantonese to Vietnamese, but not Mandarin, because my phone waa bugging out), and a nearby Vietnamese shopkeep (Vietnamese, some Mandarin) to communicate to someone who only spoke Mandarin, and effectively nearly no English.

    We did this comical routine of my friend typing Cantonese into my phone, translating it to Vietnamese, then to Mandarin via the shopkeep, then to the Mandarin speaking woman, then all the way back the other way, for about 20 minutes, to have a conversation that probably could otherwise have been had in 3 minutes.

    There are in fact many regional /dialects/ of Chinese (beyond just Cantonese) that are actually so different that it is very common that one who can only speak one /dialect/ cannot actually communicate nearly at all with someone who knows only a different /dialect/.

    I am putting /'s around dialect because actually a growing number of translators who know one or many of these /dialects/, as well as English, think it is more accurate to describe them as being different languages to those who speak English.

    Anyway, yeah, had a tankie chew me out for pointing this out and call me a ‘gusano’, which is incredible because this is an insult popularized by Castro against counter revolutionaries.

    I am an anarchist, and gusano is Spanish for maggot or worm.

    It was truly a ludicrous exchange.

  • Cool, uh, anyway, in Taiwan the President is directly elected by popular vote.

    So the majority of Taiwanese voted for a President who opposes greater integration/interference/subservience to, whatever you wanna say, with or to China.

    In fact this would seemingly necessarily mean that the only way this could happen along with the DPP not also winning a majority in Parliament is that a good chunk of Taiwanese support the KMT and TPP for domestic affairs, but prefer a president, who has more power and relevance specifically to foreign affairs, that opposes integration/interference/subservience with/from/to China.

    But please do go on about my narrative while you are either knowingly or unknowingly misrepresenting the most fundamental basics of the situation.

  • Forest is a common name, yep.

    So is Savanna.

    Never heard of anyone named Prairie, but it would also work imo and not be too weird.

    Probably wouldnt have too much luck with Temperate Rainforest or Alpine Grasslands.

    And then… then theres Bog.

    It works as a name, but you probably do not want to be named Bog.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptoCurated Tumblr@sh.itjust.worksabandonware empires
    6 months ago

    See, this is why this is a complex issue.

    You do /that/, just exactly that, and now no individual artist of any kind can expect to make any money other than donations.

    Remove all IP also means no more brand rights, so it wouldnt take long for dangerous knock off copy cat products to start showing up in stores everywhere.

    Its a very complex topic.