Personal identity has long been a topic of philosophical discussion and is clearly taking on an increasingly important role in the social sphere. I’m curious how you guys live and understand identity. I’ve thrown in a disparate list of food for thought intuitions that may or may not be useful.

  • The minimal set of properties that differentiate me from others.
  • An essence, a form, or a soul.
  • How I see myself in relation to others. Identity is largely internal but is impacted by how others receive me.
  • How others see me. Identity is largely external. What I ‘am’ to others.
  • The set of actions I take in the world. The impact I make. The things I create.
  • It’s whatever is thinking “me” or “I” at any given moment and there’s no persistent identity over time to unite those instances. It’s fleeting.
    10 months ago

    From what I’ve seen latly “identity” is a tool used by religion, politicians and marketers to feel pert of their in group and soften their critical thinking.