First all the bs with Twitter and Elon, then Reddit having an exodus to Lemmy (not complaining lol), then Twitch. Are we like, in an alternate self healing dimension or something?

    1 year ago

    I read that wiki page, and most of it is that big advertisers pulled advertising, not Youtube doing anything proactively. The idea that advertisers are going to want to be next to anything that can blow up in the media is pretty crazy - they want non-offensive content to the widest possible audience, hence blandness. IDK, I don’t have any complaints about most of the channels affected based on the description on that wiki page. I think pre 2017 Advertisers just didn’t know they were playing next to that sort of content.

    I mean, there is peertube, and I guess if you want something too edgy for Youtube there’s that, bitchute, the porn sites and onlyfans right? Again, those sites are either federated or don’t depend on the same ad buyers, though IDK how much anyone outside of maybe bitchute wants various racists and bigots on their site. I’m not even sure if you could straight up pay someone like vimeo or AWS to host some video content lol.