• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    “An abnormal response to an abnormal situation is absolutely normal.”

    If you are in some hellish or unusually bad kind of situation and you’re not able to keep your cool or stay positive or whatever your personal mental health goals are, it doesn’t mean that you’re insane.

    It means you’re human.

    This is also exceptionally helpful to remember if you have to be around hypercritical, DARVOing, and/or chronically dishonest people who behave horribly then take any sign of emotional response on your part as an overreaction and proof of mental incompetence. Lol, no. If you weren’t nuts before they started in on you, you’re probably fine right now.

    There is so much pressure these days for the sane among us to be 100% perfect in all respects all the time even as norms are crashing down all around us, and it’s just not realistic or possible, much less healthy or true. So remember:

    “An abnormal response to an abnormal situation is absolutely normal.”

    And then go take care of you as a priority for a little while, because you need some self-focus and self-care while you navigate whatever this is.

    Hope this helps someone, because it’s saved my ass countless times.