Look, it’s in space. It was long, long ago in a galaxy far away. You just can’t see the pockets, they’re space pockets, much cooler than regular pockets.
I work in I.T. and am interested in every sub-field. I also study English, Spanish, German, French, Koine Greek, Latin, Mandarin & Swahili. I’m interested in human culture.
I like Linux, but mainly use Windows because of work.
Look, it’s in space. It was long, long ago in a galaxy far away. You just can’t see the pockets, they’re space pockets, much cooler than regular pockets.
If you could mount it with the mount command, the drive is likely physically fine. My guess would be that something in PopOS didn’t mount the filesystem correctly. I’m not sure how PopOS handles automatically mounting drives. If it were a drive that was always connected, you could tell PopOS to mount it on every boot by putting the correct line in /etc/fstab
Increasing the CPU optimization by 0.02% does seem crazy to me. If you’re going to spend time working on something, make it worthwhile. Also, isn’t while(true) {print(money)} Microsoft, Apple and Amazon:s business model?
That sounds more like Gentoo. With Arch, you at least get the foundation with plumbing and electrical run to the site.
That’s true. Let the largest BGP routers go down for 5 minutes and any demands the people who run them have would be met.