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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I haven’t played it yet but would like to so no spoilers please, but from what little I’ve seen it just looks like reskinned and slightly upgraded D:OS2.

    DOS2 is one of my favorite games of all time and i am somewhat suspicious that people think Baldur’s gate is some novel masterpiece when really it’s that Divinity is super under rated and relatively unknown by comparison. Can anyone who has played both games weigh in on this?

    And if it is the case that gameplay is very similar, is it just the setting / writing that is much better in BG that makes it stand apart or was it just coincidence / hype that made this game succeed harder?

  • I don’t really know what to make of this article.

    1. Bosses != executives / people in charge of making return to work decisions. Is there remorse from the people who were actually responsible for the return to work decision-making? or is it middle management who didn’t really want to come back either expressing their lack of satisfaction how “corporate” executed?
    2. If it really is an ineffective policy It’s never too late to admit your mistake and pivot. If you aren’t doing that, then what is this besides lip service?

    I don’t know if this is really the case but it comes across a little as “ah shucks sorry we didn’t do so great with all that… oh well too late now, bygones and whatnot, get back to work.” You aren’t absolved lol every day the policy continues its an endorsement that its what you continue to want

  • I always thought Oblivion was a much better setting than Skyrim, but I replayed Oblivion recently and I realized nostalgia was doing a lot of heavy lifting. I came away not knowing really what to think. Oblivion still held up and was clearly a great game but it wasn’t perfect and was a bit dated (Jeez I mean skyrim is also dated lol). Maybe everyone just kinda feels that special something about their first ES game lol.

    Edit: I should add, I also played Morrowind somewhat recently (much longer after playing the original two) and it was also a great game but didn’t seem necessarily better than the other two.

    Edit: Edit: I also played daggerfall, it was very ok lol

    Edit: Edit: Edit: I also played ESO, 5/10

  • This isn’t a well formulated idea but something that’s been kicking around in my head for a while. There have always been bad movies and TV but I think what is somewhat new is that the blockbuster films are so big budget that it’s always “a good movie” in that its well made but the substance is always lacking. It’s kind of a bizarre and unsettling feeling watching a well produced 200 million dollar movie that kinda… sucks? Is boring? Because movie magic has become so commodified its hard for a movie to ride on flash and sparkle alone.

  • That is an interesting read. Everyone in the comments are ripping the author as pretentious oof lol. As I said in my OP, I think this problem goes much deeper than shallow video games. Movies and TVs are struggling to find novelty in the endless deluge of content we’re currently experiencing. (Books and webserials seem to be doing more ok but I’m also a lot pickier about what I’ll consume there so its selection bias) We’re in an infinite monkey typewriter situation and at this point it seems mostly random when something is just different enough to be good television. A tale as old as time, the situation remains: the best stories are character driven.