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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • I can do full fledged software development complete with fully desktop-equivalent Neovim on my phone.

    That said, it’s really not a pleasant experience. The CPU in my phone is pretty fast all things considered, but it still takes several times longer to compile a project than my laptop does; having this little screen real estate sucks; and since Termux doesn’t enable predictive text on the onscreen keyboard (and predictive text is worse than useless when writing code anyway), the best I can hope for productivity wise is a keyboard like Hacker’s Keyboard or Unexpected Keyboard that at least has functions like Esc built in. When I have a Bluetooth keyboard, I’m about half as productive as I am on a laptop. When I don’t, writing the same program takes ten times as long. But it does have all the same features my desktop setup does, and it is usable in a pinch.

  • Unless you’re using Linode or something other general purpose VPS which you have installed a Minecraft server onto, having to use anything other than a WebUI to exchange files with the server really strikes me as sketchy. A dedicated can’t-run-anything-else Minecraft hosting provider even giving random users SSH access is sketchy enough but requiring you to use it to update the game… that level of not having an IT guy is just a security nightmare waiting to happen.

    Guessing by your comment that you’ve actually rented a general purpose Linux VPS and not gotten suckered into Honest Pete’s Discount CreeperHost. In that case, carry on.

  • No seriously. What context am I missing? You’ve done nothing this entire thread except scream plagiarism and call everyone who isn’t you a moron.

    In the chain I linked to, you say it’s a blatant ripoff of another comic, Samus12345 says it’s a play on the same idea referencing elden ring, someone else says what the original was about (adding nothing), Samus12345 says it’s clearly meant to be a parody although since the original isn’t well known the parody should be presented in context, and you chime in again saying it’s been called out for plagiarism, so clearly it is well known.

    In the chain we’re now in, you and Samus12345 go back and forth, with you saying it’s a blatant ripoff and Samus12345 (correctly) arguing it’s a parody (although it should show the original for context), and you ask how something can possibly be a parody if no one except you and two other people have ever seen the original.

    We could have a whole other discussion about why the number of people who know about the original is a fucking stupid definition of plagiarism, and how now that everyone reading this thread has been made aware of the original’s existence and the ways that the “rip-off” innovates on it, the claims of plagiarism no longer really hold water (unless you want to argue that since it wasn’t OP who linked the original they were trying to steal credit, which… just… no), but I still don’t see how something can be well-known enough to be recognized as plagiarism but not well known enough to be recognized as parody.

  • AVincentInSpace@pawb.socialtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkA little fear is good
    10 days ago

    I can follow a conversation just fine. In one thread, someone says it’s more parody than plagiarism, although the original isn’t super well known so people might not recognize it as parody, to which you reply that it obviously is since three people have called it out for being plagiarism. In this thread, you ask how something can possibly be parody if the original isn’t well enough known.

    Funny though that you gripe about a comic not being well known enough to be effectively parodied in reply to a comment saying the original has its own KnowYourMeme page, then accuse me of not being able to follow a conversation.

  • AVincentInSpace@pawb.socialtoCurated Tumblr@sh.itjust.worksAbout the us election
    14 days ago

    Who was president when abortion was stripped of federal protection?

    You mean a decision that was made by supreme court justices appointed by the previous administration? The president does not control every policy decision that gets made in America, believe it or not. Almost like there are three branches of government or something.

    Who was president when we started funding not one but two proxy wars overseas?

    Ukraine is only getting ancient military surplus that we couldn’t use anywhere else anyway. I agree that his support for Israel sucks but unlike Trump we can (and are) talking him out of it. Also will you quit bitching and moaning about the strain on our tax dollars. You sound like a Republican.

    Inflation. Shrinkflation.

    I think this is more due to corporate greed than fiscal policy at any level, judging by how many mega corporations turned record profits this year.