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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • As succinctly as possible:

    Disney paid a billion dollars for a franchise people cared about. It doesn’t matter what the franchise was or anything else, what mattered is that people cared and many considered it to be culturally significant.

    Disney then made a trilogy without a long term plan other than “make a trilogy”.

    The writing was at best lackluster, at worst laughable. Specific examples abound (“somehow, Palpatine returned”) but the major problems are that the core conflict of the middle film of the trilogy was contrived and the third film then had to scramble to cover the glaring, obvious problems. This writing issue eclipses other (still very serious) problems like a lack of character development with the main character, setups without payoffs, and trivializing or bastardizing supporting characters.

  • Former Civil War reenactor here. The lack of Union reenactors boils down to cost.

    The Union army had specific uniforms and equipment that have to be represented no ifs, ands, or buts. That isn’t a problem if you’re a single person or a married couple but it gets prohibitively expensive for families with kids.

    The Confederacy had a much more “bring your own gun” kind of approach to the war (given the lack of industry in the South at the time) which allows for greater latitude when it comes to equipment as you can see in the picture. This makes things significantly cheaper for families with teenagers that quickly outgrow their uniforms. My family portrayed Confederates for this exact reason. We could use five or six different colors of wool for our uniforms instead of two and the period accurate guns we could use saved a fortune in the long run.

    Later on after all of us kids stopped growing we ended up getting Union uniforms (or at least coats in the correct dark blue) and “galvanized”. Yankees typically win on Sundays (when the crowds tend to be bigger) but having them win outnumbered 4:1 is a little ridiculous. When there weren’t enough Yankees we would put on our blue coats and get put as far away from the crowd as possible to bolster their numbers.