So is the issue your co workers or is really that it bothers you so much?
Maybe the real thing here is you need to learn how to let the crazy and annoying wash over you. Because at the moment you’re letting that leak into your personal time - you’re thinking about things that are annoying you when really, why should they?
They’re “winning” not because they annoyed you at work, but because you’re letting it bother you when you’re not at work.
There are skills in being able to ignore things that annoy you, or learning to let things go or even compartmentalising parts of your life.
Not heard that one before about the cia but let’s say for a moment that is true - Signal is open source so anyone can audit and work with the source code. Also anyone can set up an independent signal server and network.
Are you maybe confusing Signal with Tor and the CIA with the US Navy?