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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • You’re not the first person that unnecessarily censors words, you’re just the current one that I’m calling out. Other people do it with “Reddit”, for example. I think it’s just childish and poor communication. I just want people to say what they mean instead of this. Honestly, regardless of your or anyone’s point, if you can’t use your words, I immediate write whatever you have to say off.

  • You don’t have to like Google or Pixel, but we’re all adults here. Grow up and use your words like an adult. JFC, you’re not advertising for them, you’re asking a question about it.

    Google Google Google Pixel Pixel Pixel

    See how hard that was? Hell, you can even follow it up with, “Google Pixel phones suck and Google is a terrible company.” Censoring words for no reason is so fucking childish.

  • So you still haven’t given any reason why Celsius is better. You keep saying I haven’t put forth anything, but you just fucking jerk off to “hur dur 'murica. Did you hear me say 'murica? I’m a one trick fucking pony that can insult but not defend his point. Lol 'murica.”

    Touch grass, experience the world, grow the fuck up.

  • I don’t think that a source is required to explain that whole numbers are easier to comprehend than decimals. You yourself have brought to the table exactly zero reasons you think Celsius is better. Cool, you remember 0 and 100, I remember 32 and 212, but because I’m not an idiot I can also remember Celsius.

    Unless you can provide some sort of study that definitively finds Celsius as a better system, then you are just presenting your own opinion.

    And the imperial system is going plenty strong. It’s used in the majority of aerospace manufacturing around the world. But I’m not out here defending imperial, because it isn’t as clear as metric.

    Sure the difference between 1 degree of Celsius or Fahrenheit is feels negligible, but I’d still rather use a system that is clearer to understand at a glance and provides more whole number granularity when reading it off.