• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I just use Chat-GPT, I also have the capability to write my own formulas, but especially for more complex or repetitive formulas it’s faster.

    Here’s one for PowerApps I asked it to extend

    Patch(Timesheets, LookUp(Timesheeets, ID=SharePointIntegration.SelectedListItemID), {DataString:Concatenate(TextInput1.Text, “;”,TextInput2.Text, “;”, TextInput3.Text, “;”, TextInput1_1.Text, “;”,TextInput2_1.Text, “;”, TextInput3_1.Text, “;”, TextInput1_2.Text, “;”,TextInput2_2.Text, “;”, TextInput3_2.Text, “;”, TextInput1_3.Text, “;”,TextInput2_3.Text, “;”, TextInput3_3.Text, “;”, TextInput1_4.Text, “;”,TextInput2_4.Text, “;”, TextInput3_4.Text, “;”, TextInput1_5.Text, “;”,TextInput2_5.Text, “;”, TextInput3_5.Text, “;”, TextInput1_6.Text, “;”,TextInput2_6.Text, “;”, TextInput3_6.Text, “;”)}); Refresh(‘Timesheets’);

    I just gave it the first bit and two text input fields initially and then asked it to add the remainder for me instead of hitting copy paste and changing the numbers a dozen times.

    Probably saved me 5 minutes, but I do this kind of thing fairly regularly so it’s probably saving me a half-hour to an hour per week on formulas alone.

  • You say “Hamas” like they’re a set of uniformed people that can be targeted. They aren’t, they’re a guerilla group operating intentionally inside civilian locations and even households in order to shield themselves or at least cause public outcry when Israel goes after them.

    Why does the IDF refuse to send people into bunkers? Because it’s a great way to lose a lot of soldiers, bunkers literally exist to prevent entry and capturing them will cost tens of thousands of Israeli lives. Why should Israel have to fight fair if Hamas will not?

    Why are they being pushed closer to the border? Because if nobody lives up north, then Hamas can’t use the northern areas to attack the adjacent areas.

    Also important to remember, is that Gaza itself was created by an invasion from Egypt the day after Israel declared independence, and was controlled by Egypt for almost 20 years before Israel took it back. Now Egypt locks that border and doesn’t want these people either, while simultaneously not giving much of a shit about the tunnels being used to smuggle arms into Gaza.

    Israel isn’t even trying to kill a large number of the supposedly targeted population, there are a couple of million people in Gaza, and they’re only at a few tens of thousands after months. That’s near the birth rate of the area. They may be trying to expel them from the area, but I don’t really classify that alone as genocide, given what genocide has historically looked like.

    What’s happening to the 8 million Uyghurs right now in China is genocide with forced marriages and banning of cultural practices, what’s happening to the hundreds of thousands of forcibly transferred children in the Ukraine-Russia conflict is genocide, what happened to the millions of Jews killed by the Germans was genocide.

    Killing 30,000 out of over two million Palestinians and pushing them into a smaller area at the south part of Israel so they stop attacking them just doesn’t meet the bar of genocide for me. Israel had to build a multi-billion dollar fucking rocket defence system just to keep civilian deaths down from this neighbor that wants peace so badly. That worked so well that Hamas instead decided to just build some tunnels and kill a thousand Israeli civilians directly, and their people cheered them on for it. I call that a war.

  • If this is Israel trying to ethnic cleanse like the headline, they’re doing an absolutely shit job of it. They haven’t even killed 1% of the population in 5 months.

    I really wish people would use the right words to describe the situation.

    Palestine is being given arms by Iran and friends to attack Israel, Israel is being given arms by the US and friends to protect itself from Iran and friends.

    This is called a proxy war, not a genocide. It sucks thay civilians are caught up in it. However that’s one of the upsides for Iran and friends, and completely intentional, they don’t give a shit about sacrificing Palestinians in their crusade against the western powers.

    This war would be over tomorrow if Palestinians had no constant supply of smuggled weapons. They sure as hell can’t support the fight themselves.