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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Yeah that is a fair point.

    I have never been involved in anything like that, so I don’t know how big of a risk that actually is for most people.

    And I would think as we get more and more cloud dependent any data on the phone would also be stored in company servers. So I am not sure the value a subpoenas for phones would be.

    If it gets that far I would wonder if there could be a case for them of taking both personal and work phones as well just to be sure no one was talking outside of the company’s standards communications.

    Again I Have no idea how legally that would all go down, but I do think you being up a very good point the more speration you have between personal and work the less grounds legal action has to stand on to enter into your personal devices.

  • Never use your own personal phone for work related stuff.

    As someone who does this, my main issue is now I am carrying around two phones. This is a daily annoyance for me.

    My next round I think I am going to drop the work phone and use Androids profile options. Setup a work profile on my personal phone and just use that. Then just have work reimburse me for my personal phone/plan.