All other alternatives in that price range you will need to tinker a lot more with. Just a fyi
All other alternatives in that price range you will need to tinker a lot more with. Just a fyi
This is second time they trying to pass this bullshit. 2023
FDM seems easier tbh. I just slice and throw it on the printer I have a Creality k1 atm and it just goes. I don’t need to worry much about anything. I’d say resin has a bit more to dial in. And clean up is another thing. But I agree probably sticking with elegoo.
Form labs isn’t really in my price range sadly.
Yeah I’m looking really at any cubic mono 5s pro or the Saturn 4 ultra. As my two top contenders for upgrades.
I saw their slicer needs an internet connection to slice files. Which is a major deal breaker for me.
Yeah I use water resin already. And I also have a dryer vent setup that takes the fumes and vents them outside. I like my mars 3 but I seem to have to tinker a lot with it. Might just be me always thinking my plate isn’t level though.
This 100%. Most people just want an easy experience without too much tinkering and bambu does just that.