I’m here to help the place grow. Let’s do it!
I’m here to help the place grow. Let’s do it!
I just suggest not escalating before you have a chance to just send an anonymous note or something. If you’re worried about him thinking it is you. Polite and concise wordage. Mail it from a drop box if you want to.
I always suggest finding a peaceful solution. Maybe a convo and a beer could fix the issue.
Never heard of soldiers in the USA rape and murder elderly women in conflict zones. Orks are named so for a reason. They are monsters.
Innocent people still get murdered by the state. Just look at Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Plus throw Georgia in there.
When the Orcs are raping elderly women and their sons. Then murdering them. They deserve the name. Just so you’re aware. There’s a reason they are called this. They earned it.
I’m here for 2026.