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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Also autistic person here - in terms of scents I can’t stand strong smells like lavender, and roses. But I do like the smell of cherry blossoms and cinnamon.

    Texture also has an interesting effect - there are some textures that gives me fingernails on chalkboard level aversion. But other I enjoy a lot.

    Looks. I like boobs, I like butts, I like ladies who take care of themselves without being too skinny or overweight. - proportions matter. I like the look of the rear end of my car, and the fact that it has racing stripes. I like fender flares, but again, proportions matter. In terms of tech, I like copious, unicorn vomit amounts of RGB (I do lighting for my church - one of two things that keeps me at that church, the other being the people there feel like family and are lovely people)

    Food. I like most foods, but I have an aversion to watermelon, celery, zucchini and cucumber for the texture as much as taste. I also don’t like raw tomatoes if they aren’t sauced up in some way (like in a sandwich it needs a helping of sweet chilli) and mushy peas make me want to throw up.

  • I think he always believed his own hype. Heck there was a point where I was somewhat into his hype.

    Though I never liked Tesla’s interior design philosophy of “just put all the controls on a giant tablet and call it a day”

    Truth is we didn’t know enough about him to gain an opinion. So imaginations ran wild. I mean there are people who have been saying how bad he was since the whole PayPal thing. It’s just those companies weren’t big enough at the time for it to gain any gravity in the public eye.

    Then Tesla and spaceX happened, and people thought what he was doing was awesome, because a lot of it was and it was easy to look past the parts that weren’t.

    Now however the fact he can’t keep his mouth shut and has become a twitter addict has kinda ruined our public opinion on him. If he had just stayed quiet and not bothered with the whole buying twitter thing, people might not care much about him. And the Epstein stuff and affairs and shit didn’t help him one bit. He’s right to mistrust the media - that shit is like a gourmet breakfast for them.

    Basically he revealed himself in the public for what he truly is. A cold blooded greedy ass tycoon with an ego the size of the planets he’s trying to colonise, with a modern style nerd-hipster science theming and old school conservative ideals.

  • Mid roll ads are fine if the video was made with midrolls in mind that the midrolls actually happened at the times the maker of the video has set them up to happen.

    Sure they are selective about which videos have ads, but not when the ads come on.

    YouTube, with no adblocker or premium subscription has basically become an interrupting cow, making noise at the most innapropriate time and then you have to wat-MOOOOOOOOOO-ch the ad, then you rewind 10 seconds to get your cont-MOOOOOOOOOO-text back. There needs to be a legal limit to the number of midrolls you can stuff in a short space of time.

    I’d rather watch a series of multiple consecutive midroll ads placed at a prespecified time than a random number of ads scattered at completely random intervals, Ruining the flow and mood of the video.

    Its frustrating af.

  • If you are willing to switch to Pipewire, try EasyEffects, it might work better as it’s based off of pulse effects, but for Pipewire, it’s actually developed by the original Devs of pulse effects - in fact the original pulse effects repo is now the easy effects repo, the old pulse effects hasn’t actually been updated for an entire year now, so you might notice it working less and less well.

    To me, Pipewire is the best option for audio on Linux at the moment, it combines the power and low latency of JACK with the ease of use, and multiple device capability of PulseAudio, it really is a great project and is pretty much rock solid at this point in time. It might also fix your issues with pulseeffects/EasyEffects not recognising your microphone.

    Honestly, I still don’t use flatpaks for specific things - namely OBS, as I have a Blackmagic capture card, and the flatpak version of OBS won’t support it due to how the BMD driver is required to be installed. Sure it’s good for a lot of things, but sometimes the other options are better for your purposes. I still use the AUR Tytan652 version.