A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • The rivalry continues to today, as detailed in the link it seems like you didn’t read.

    In March 2024, Hamas and its allied groups in the Gaza Strip criticized Abbas’ appointment of Mohamed Mustafa as the Palestinian Authority’s new prime minister following Mohammed Shtayyeh’s resignation. They issued a statement referring to the changes as “formal steps that are devoid of substance” and questioned the Palestinian Authority’s ability to properly represent the Palestinian people. In response, Fatah condemned Hamas as being itself disconnected from the Palestinian people and accused them of “having caused the return of the Israeli occupation of Gaza” by “undertaking the October 7 adventure”.
    Later that month, Hamas accused Fatah of sending security officers into northern Gaza in collaboration with Israel, saying it had arrested six individuals and were “in pursuit” of the others. The Palestinian Authority issued a statement refuting the claims by Hamas.

  • Hamas must be deposed for meaningful safety, they’ve said they want to do October 7th over and over again. This is a last minute deal for them to try and weasel their way out of ultimate consequences for what they have done.

    Occupying Gaza is probably also a good call considering their unilateral withdrawal arguably led directly to October 7th. I expect they will stay, try to implement a puppet government, do a little nation building, and only leave once Gaza is pacified. If this is not possible, expect more annexations and settlements.

    • Some collateral damage probably occurred on Oct 7, but I fail to see why this is relevant to the discussion. Said deaths could not have occurred without Hamas’ bloody attack on civilians and the chaos it caused.

    • I believe the accusations of rape despite criticism of the NY Times article, even the UN, which is often critical and skeptical of Israel, agrees it happened. And even without this specific claim there was enough barbarity, cruelty, kidnapping, abuse, murder, and genocidal violence (Content warning: NSFL, very disturbing footage) on display that day that I don’t think it would move the ethical needle much on Hamas.

    • According to international law genocide is:

    any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    • Killing members of the group;
    • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Emphasis mine. Note that political groups like Hamas are not included among the protected classes, and that’s what Israel has been clear they intend to destroy. Not Palestine/Palestinians, who are protected as a national group just as Israelis are. Meanwhile, Hamas has been clear about their own genocidal intentions. This is why I believe Oct 7 was an act of genocide, as defined above, and Israel’s war on Hamas is not.

    • The Oct 7 attack was not just about taking civilian hostages, it was an attempt by Hamas to create a permanent state of war, and part of their strategy to destroy Israel/Jews as established via their original charter and statements from their leader, (citation above.)

    • I’m sure it’s terrible to live in Gaza but that does not change the definition of genocide. Nor does your dislike of people who point out inaccurate definitions.

    • 1948-1967 isn’t, “100’s of years ago!”

  • Read the genocide statute linked above, genocide just requires an attempt to destroy a protected group in whole or in part, combined with some specific acts, has nothing to do with effectiveness or number of deaths.

    Hamas openly intends to destroy Jews/Israel (which, as national, ethnic, and religious groups are protected) as per their charter. Israel claims they are attempting to destroy Hamas, which is not a protected group.

    Call it a massacre, call it terrible, call it any number of negative terms, but it’s not genocide.

  • Your perspective is distorted, things are incredible and getting better by most metrics.

    • The average person today lives better than kings of old.
    • We have abundant water, food, and sanitation. In America, food is so subsidized that it is ridiculously cheap by historical standards.
    • Your odds of dying to violence or disease have never been lower in all of human history.
    • You have all human knowledge at your fingertips, and technology is expected to keep improving our lives in novel ways.
    • You can visit any place on Earth in a matter of hours and have access to cheap exotic foreign goods.
    • Civil rights are protected a lot more today than they were in many/most civilizations of the past.
    • Entertainment is abundant and cheap, and takes forms that people of the past could only dream about.

    While we certainly have our challenges to overcome, like climate change, wealth inequality, and social problems, let’s not forget how good we have it.

  • Your perspective is distorted, things are incredible and getting better by most metrics.

    • The average person today lives better than kings of old.
    • We have abundant water, food, and sanitation. In America, food is so subsidized that it is ridiculously cheap by historical standards.
    • Your odds of dying to violence or disease have never been lower in all of human history.
    • You have all human knowledge at your fingertips.
    • You can visit any place on Earth in a matter of hours.
    • Civil rights are protected a lot more today than they were in many/most civilizations of the past.
    • Entertainment is abundant and cheap, and takes forms that people of the past could only dream about.

    While we certainly have our challenges to overcome, like climate change, wealth inequality, and social problems, let’s not forget how good we have it.