I’m generally falling out of love with expansions. It makes sense in games where it expands the game, so another player can join (i.e. Exploding kittens/imploding kittens) but other than that I’d rather buy a new game than expand one I already know.
I’m generally falling out of love with expansions. It makes sense in games where it expands the game, so another player can join (i.e. Exploding kittens/imploding kittens) but other than that I’d rather buy a new game than expand one I already know.
I need to stop reading this thread. Every week I want to buy a different game. Earth looks beautiful!
I’m still seriously in love with Cascadia. It has so much replayability due to the changing scoring mechanic.
It was just too slow of a game for the occasion. We’ve all had a couple of beers and explaining the game to one of the four, while reminding the other 3 how to play and also having played a very active/loud game before, was just a bit of a buzzkill. I realized that when the others had a hard time following what was happening and who’s turn it was and so on. Just a bad pick for the night I guess.
Tow classics in our round of 5 players on Saturday night:
5-minute Dungeon: Utter chaos. But extremely cathartic with 5 lads who just watched their favorite football club lose 4:0.
Ticket to Ride: Europe: A classic. We’ve played it before with 4 out of the 5 players attending and had a lot of fun. But it was completely the wrong game for the occasion this time. I guess reading the room/group is an important part of picking the right game.
komplett weggeflext würde ich mal sagen.
Playing cockroach poker with some close friends must be really fun for shits and giggle
Can confirm: Many giggles are to be had. It usually comes down to who ever has to take the first card being the prime target afterwards. But I could not imagine playing it with a less close nit group or even strangers.
I’ll post here if I had the chance to play Skull with the lads and let y’all know how it went.
I love games that you can “play as an appetizer” on a night that includes a “main course”-game afterwards. That’s the role I would see for Sushi Go.
Skull I would take to a different kind of meetup. The bluffing stuff does not go down well with my partner, but I have a group of friends I play with every couple of month. We’ve played cockroach poker during the last two meetups, which is the same slot I would see Skull in.
I love to read this thread. New inspiration week after week.
Sushi Go looks and sounds like fun. I might have to pick that one up at some point. I’m trying not to buy too many games at the moment.
Judging by the comments in this thread its seems to be pretty polarizing. That fits pretty well with how my friend loved it when we played it. But I think he played the physical copy before, so maybe he had good memories of playing it.
What do you like about it? I liked the concept when my friend told me about it, otherwise I would not have tried it, but the reality of it was just me randomly dying and having to restart while my friend got insanely powerful.
I played the steam version once with a mate who was into it. It’s horrible. Time-consuming mess, bad design in so many instances. If you can: Avoid it.
Sorry to be so harsh about a game you like, but it brings out horrible memories.
Weil die Stärke erst richtig abbindet wenn sie warm wird. Geduld ist gefragt!
Das find ich jetzt aber albern.
I was on vacation with my partner last week and we packed the card game version of Café International
The board game version is from 1989 and I was extremely nostalgic about the game, as it was one that I used to play a lot when I visited my grandparents back when I was a young kid.
After playing two round of it we realized: This is and OLD game, and it shows. Even the card game version from 2001 shows it’s age in both the ridiculous artwork as well as the game mechanics like drawing/discarding cards for minutes without any change to the board state.
We chose to leave it in the hotel lobby. Maybe it will bring joy to someone there, it brought no joy to us other than a short flash of nostalgia, so we decided we’ll never play it again.
Wurden wohl aus Asien eingeschleppr und sind in einigen Regionen in Norditalien Österreich und Süddeutschland wohl schon eine relevate Bedrohung für die Apfelbauern.
Hab da vor einiger Zeit ne Doku zu gesehen.
Da fehlt: Tschuldigung, “darf ich mal eben vorbei” und noch so einiges.
Ich hab letztes Jahr Urlaub in Nordfriesland gemacht. Unglaublich mit wie wenigen Worten die Leute da auskommen.
Sehr sympathisch.
Ne, ich hab nur irgendwie verpasst wo das losgegangen ist…
First 4 player round of Viticulture. A bit to complex for my friends to enjoy it first try, but they want me to bring it again next time we meet.
We tend to play most things only once since everybody is so eager to show off their latest catch. I guess I contributed to that by bringing Cascadia last time and Viticulture this time.
Maybe I should stop that …
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