Sorry, op. I’m locking this thread, the discussion is getting too ugly for individualized moderation.
Sorry, op. I’m locking this thread, the discussion is getting too ugly for individualized moderation.
Allow me to help give context. This is Leonardo DiCaprio we’re talking about, a very famous movie star. This man can afford to have eccentric personal relationship rules. These women, while much younger, are still adults who can make informed decisions about their own lives. It’s even easier to grasp when you realize this just means they know the relationship has a predetermined max limit.
Thi2nk of it like a summer fling. Someone comes into town, just for the summer. You really hit it off and both of you want to spend more time with the other. But you both know at the end of Summer, they’re leaving town again. Would you still be willing to enjoy that time together?
It’s kind of like that, except the other person is Leonardo fucking DiCaprio, and they’re leaving town because they’re rich celebrities who can do whatever they want.
So yeah, it’s definitely fuckin weird, but that doesn’t exactly make it bad. Those are independent variables.
Wow you certainly showed us
Thanks for your help!!
Anyone know the original painting? I need to hang this on my wall.
Goddamn, that joke is terrible. Well done, op, I’m proud of you!
For the first one, you can use a smaller boom.
That’s the key. You gotta psspspssspsp instead.
On the flip side, there’s no reason to assume an artificial intelligence will share the same priorities as a human being.
I’m not fearmongering AI here (I, for one, welcome our future ai overlords). But we don’t really escape the issues of ethics with artificial intelligences. They’re still intelligent.
Hundreds of years, yes. Without issue? Definitely incorrect. It is a statistical certainty that, in the entire course of history, someone somewhere has gotten sick and died from this cooking method.
Pedantry aside, it’s all about who’s making the stew that matters. A seasoned chef today with the sufficient knowledge of modern food safety practices can keep a stew reliably safe to eat. Some old farmer centuries ago will experience a lot more opportunities for contamination and won’t notice until they get the shits.
So what’s he catching in panel 5?
Same here, I thought it was fantastic! We got a nice epic finale that wrapped up a lot of plot threads quite nicely. I haven’t enjoyed a finale that much since Schlock Mercenary wrapped up after a couple decades. Kudos to Sam Logan!
Just because you can find reasons doesn’t make them good ones. It’s a civic duty.
Quite a lot has changed since Nietzsche’s time. For example, germ theory is no longer fringe science.