• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • On the internet? In general I take someone that spells “God” with a capital to be a theist (usually only 2 of 3 monotheistic believes, because Muslims usually use “Allah” probably). Or perhaps raised as a theist, lost their faith, but not bitter against their old faith. while if someone uses “god” they are probably not a theist.

    Makes sense to me too: I as a theist would refer to “Thor” as a “god” because to me it is not an entity that exists. It would only make sense for someone that is an atheist to not use a capital to refer to my “God”: They don’t believe it to be a real entity after all.

    E: although, I guess fictional characters do use capitals, so maybe I’m wrong.

  • I think it’s because our brain can’t really focus on both content and spelling at the same time. You can only really check either the message or the spelling at one time when you are the author.

    When you check the message/content of your post, you look at every sentence and ask yourself: does it convey my point? Did I choose the right words?

    When you check spelling, you should check word by word without looking at the meaning(unless spelling depends on it). Since you know what’s coming next in your story, you’re probably just rushing through the sentences. You’ll miss stuff because you don’t read every word. It is the classic “the the” problem where the same word is shown twice in a sentence, but you miss it because you only fastread it.

    Also, spell check last. If you spellcheck first and then do some rewriting, the new stuff will have a high chance of spelling errors.

  • In our primary schools, we learn our children mili, deci, centi, deca, hecto and kilo, and how to calculate between them.

    Beyond that or below that is used either in science classes or specific usecases and not known by the whole population at large.

    Since people use what they know, they’d never use mega as a common way of measuring. We mostly use km for distance, and only in specific cases we might use, say, hectometers or decameters.

    5 megameter is not wrong, but I don’t call 34 cm 3,4 decimeters either(unless decimeters make sense of course :p)