I loved the books and found the netflix series to be a pretty enjoyable westernization of them.
There were a few changes/choices that were a bit strange or missed the point, but overall it’s worth watching
When they say something like “60 days battery life” what they mean is using the device for half an hour everyday for 60 days.
OP is arguing that it would make more sense to just say the continuous use battery life, which in the above example would be 30 hours (60 × 0.5)
That’s true for the US but not everywhere else
Und wie Städte (wegen Flugtxis) fürs Leben zu laut sind, also wohnt man lieber außerhalb und pendelt mit dem Flugtaxi
Ist auch in Englisch so. Immer häufiger werden Schauspielerinnen als ‘Actors’ statt ‘Actresses’ bezeichnet. Es macht einfach keinen Sinn zwichen den Geschlechtern zu unterscheiden.
As a fan of both tofu and basically anything fermented…this sounds great!
Yeah, I kind of intentionally avoided saying AFPS because unfortunately these days that tends to mean (like with diabotical) games which are desperate to be the most hypercompetitive aspects of quake. Duels or FFA aren’t really my thing, give me teams and objectives!
Perhaps unsurprisingly UT2k4 is one of my favorite of all time
Valorant I can’t speak to, since I can’t play it on Linux.
CS I’ve played a lot of and it’s fantastic just a bit too slow paced/tactical for me. Your right though that it’s a fantastically designed game and a really good shout.
Overwatch I strongly disagree with. The maps have clean lines, but with the character design, abilities, and UI they clearly prioritise being flashy over anything else. It’s really visually loud for the sake of it and too much for me.
I’d like multiplayer shooters that put emphasis on clean visuals designed to transmit information as well as more emphasis on movement.
Even with all the hats, visibility in TF2 is a masterpiece compared to 90% of games. One team always bright red, one team is always bright blue. The maps aren’t full of noisy scenery and still look great.
Als nicht-Müttersprachler wäre das einfach Traumhaft!
Nearly all of the biggest competitive multiplayer/esports genres of today started as mods.
Multiplayer games require other players! Mods generally come with a ‘built-in’ playerbase and a very low barrier for entry. The vast majority of innovation in the multiplayer space comes from mods, since trying something new as a commercial title has a huge risk of never establishing a big enough playerbase and just dying out before anyone tries it.
Interestingly, in europe this seems to vary by country!
I was just thinking that I wasn’t sure which was correct, but it seems both are actually acceptable in Germany although after the number is preferred