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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Most often I’ve seen instances use as super communities. Largely revolving around a bigger topic. KDE runs their own with their own subcommunities for instance. They are far from the only ones. Just the one I use the most and a came to mind first. Having your own instance slap server allows you far more control over your communities then just hosting on someone else’s server. But from an end user perspective very largely transparent. not even being noticeable oftentimes.

  • What if we took the CEO/middle management tax off every step in the process. Or made use of economies of scale to cheaply and efficiently provide people with a desirable comfortable standard of living. That could be guaranteed to them. Basic shelter, food and education completely taken care of. Empowering them to further themselves as much as they want to. And being free to work where they want to as much as they want to. Not forced to persist in a toxic environment for a paycheck that is still inadequate.

  • Yep. They were claiming that Putin invaded Ukraine to stop fascists. And that they were liberators. I was like, why would one fascist care what other fascists do? In the US, our fascist, wealthy Republicans largely supported Hitler till pearl harbor. But I did agree with them that the Soviet Union absolutely liberated many countries against their will post WWII. And that those countries still hold it against them to this day.

    The gulags were mentioned and they were like, but but but America jails more! To which I told them that was bad. But the West doesn’t kill millions of prisoners the way they did. And all for political dissent, reminding them of just two weeks ago when Putin had Navalny killed for political dissent.

    The absurd thing is, I’m one hundred percent down for Marxism. And largely agree politically with his theory plus some modernization. So technically we would agree on a lot of things there. It’s just the Engles and Lenin bullshit I disagree with, and has shown to have failed. Or caused their downfall historically. But they are primarily leninists, dedicated ideologically to authoritarians and strongmen above all reality.

  • They make computing appliances. And are progressively locking them down more and more.That said, the hardware apart from the anti repair lockouts is fine.

    But if you want to make major changes to the look and feel, that is not the apple way. If you want to make basic changes to the hardware configuration, that is not the apple way. An apple product only does what it’s designed for and what they allow it to do. But only for as long as they allow it. Apple was one of the first outside the phone space to push artificial obsolescence heavily. Which MS recently adopted as well.

    But to people with very basic needs it’s what they want. Opaque inscrutable slabs with a tightly designed stack that does what they need reliably. They don’t want to have to install an OS or change out hardware. And can live with the bland conformal interface.

    There is very little else like it anywhere else, outside of… Maybe something like raspberry pi os. Maybe Microsoft Surface hardware that they’ve had a hard time committing to.

  • The alternative is simple. But again obscured by saturation of capitalist propaganda. To start we, in the US especially, need to move towards social democracy. Single player health care, Austrian style public housing, etc.

    If we provide people with a basic level of food and shelter. They will be free to work or not. And if you aren’t free enough to be able to choose not to work, you aren’t actually free. And here’s the kicker. Even though people wouldn’t have to work, they still would. Only now capitalist wouldn’t be able to use starvation and homelessness as a stick to beat people over the head with. In order to get them to accept traditionally bad capitalist deals.

    Better still, entrepreneurs would be able to chase any business ideas they had. Artists would be able to persue their art. Musicians able to persue their music. If you wanted to spend your days gardening and landscaping a public plot. That capitalist deemed had no value. Just for your own enjoyment and the enjoyment of others. You can do that.

    Pretty simple actually. Capitalists have pushed for the better part of a century to stop or demonize any progress towards communist evolution. And the other group, the revolutionaries have done nothing but give it a bad name.

  • No it isn’t. It’s a product of human ingenuity. People invented things before capitalism. And they continue to invent outside it. In order for things to be a product of capitalism, you have to show how they couldn’t be made outside of it. And yet those very same phones are made outside of capitalism today. Not to mention their precursors were made even in Soviet, Russia in the '70s and '80s.

    The one that truly unique thing you might be able to attribute as a product of capitalism. Is the unavailability of affordable housing in general.

    Wow! And the rest of your spiel. It’s like you have no idea what you’re talking about. Trade went on for thousands of years before capitalism. Things were manufactured in Russia all throughout the 19th century without capitalism… oh now I remember your name. You posted this exact same heavily debunked bullshit response in another reply to me once before. Well I’m sure you post it to a lot of people. I was going to say no one could be as hilariously wrong as you are without trying to be that wrong. And it turns out I was right. You are trying to be wrong.