I Just sort by all anyway
I Just sort by all anyway
It’s not hard to find, it’s just expensive.
Kids died a lot more back in the days
What wasn’t intuitive? It’s pretty standard UX material design
Only kveldsmat! (Evening food in Norwegian)
Could set it up like every month. It’s what I would do anyway, simple enough to set up. Low chance of anyone being able to do anything about it
Didn’t help McAfee
Just a scheduled email that you need to cancel every 24 hours.
In teams you can see how many are already in.
If in hiding in try to be the first though, but not too early because people get a notification that the meeting has started. And might go on earlier than required
Instantly ruined by the ability to teleport to the main city
This is such a lame and reused idea
It has all the classic AI tells. The more you look at it the less it makes sense.
Huh yeah, guess I got lucky when I purchased extras for mine.
Idk, I use one that charges 8. Both double and triple A’s
Always have spares in the charger ready to go
Huh, I use exclusively rechargeable batteries in everything. Works great.
Except the smoke alarm, that one complains if I don’t use lithium
It’s fine if your actually mention what you want to talk about
But just “hi” is terrible
I agree very much, major pet peeves in a busy day
Get a good night’s sleep
You can at least make some compartments so it’s not all jumbled together
But yes, I do have a couple of those drawers
If there is a heaven, what’s the point of living? Just take me there right now