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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ferk@kbin.socialtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devWhitespace
    5 months ago

    But C syntax clearly hints to int *p being the expected format.

    Otherwise you would only need to do int* p, q to declare two pointers… however doing that only declares p as pointer. You are actually required to type * in front of each variable name intended to hold a pointer in the declaration: int *p, *q;

  • Ferk@kbin.socialtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devifn't
    5 months ago

    Yes… how is “reducing exclamation marks” a good thing when you do it by adding a ' (not to be confused with , ´,or’` …which are all different characters).

    Does this rely on the assumption that everyone uses a US QWERTY keyboard where ! happens to be slightly more inconvenient than typing '?

  • Ferk@kbin.socialtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devIntuitive UI
    10 months ago

    Yes, the way his hand is positioned, it would not have worked if they had wanted to make it hold the wooden stick. They’d have needed to edit the hand too much and it would have likely been noticeable / even weirder.

    Probably they decided: f*ck it, let them grab it however they want. Maybe it’ll even become a thing.

    And it looks like it worked, since we are talking about it and spreading the ad. Smart advertising, imho.

  • Note that “real world truth” is something you can never accurately map with just your senses.

    No model of the “real world” is accurate, and not everyone maps the “real world truth” they personally experience through their senses in the same way… or even necessarily in a way that’s really truly “correct”, since the senses are often deceiving.

    A person who is blind experiences the “real world truth” by mapping it to a different set of models than someone who has additional visual information to mix into that model.

    However, that doesn’t mean that the blind person can “never understand” the “real world truth” …it just means that the extent at which they experience that truth is different, since they need to rely in other senses to form their model.

    Of course, the more different the senses and experiences between two intelligent beings, the harder it will be for them to communicate with each other in a way they can truly empathize. At the end of the day, when we say we “understand” someone, what we mean is that we have found enough evidence to hold the belief that some aspects of our models are similar enough. It doesn’t really mean that what we modeled is truly accurate, nor that if we didn’t understand them then our model (or theirs) is somehow invalid. Sometimes people are both technically referring to the same “real world truth”, they simply don’t understand each other and focus on different aspects/perceptions of it.

    Someone (or something) not understanding an idea you hold doesn’t mean that they (or you) aren’t intelligent. It just means you both perceive/model reality in different ways.

  • Step 1. Analize what’s the possible consequence / event that you find undesirable

    Step 2. Determine whether there’s something you can do to prevent it: if there is, go to step 3, if there’s not go to step 4

    Step 3. Do it, do that thing that you believe can prevent it. And after you’ve done it, go back to step 2 and reevaluate if there’s something else.

    Step 4. Since there’s nothing else you can do to prevent it, accept the fact that this consequence might happen and adapt to it… you already did all you could do given the circumstances and your current state/ability, you can’t do anything about it anymore, so why worry? just accept it. Try and make it less “undesirable”.

    Step 5. Wait. Entertain yourself some other way… you did your part.

    Step 6. Either the event doesn’t happen, or it happens but you already prepared to accept the consequences.

    Step 7. Analyze what (not) happened and how it happened (or didn’t). Try to understand it better so in the future you can better predict / adapt under similar circumstances, and go back to step 1.

  • The AI can only judge by having a neural network trained on what’s a human and what’s an AI (and btw, for that training you need humans)… which means you can break that test by making an AI that also accesses that same neural network and uses it to self-test the responses before outputting them, providing only exactly the kind of output the other AI would give a “human” verdict on.

    So I don’t think that would work very well, it’ll just be a cat & mouse race between the AIs.

  • But it being MIT also makes it easy for the company to just work internally by themselves to make improvements for their version of the software without paying anything at all to the original dev. They can even release a better product than the original dev using his own changes and unfairly compete against them without sharing anything back.

    Whereas, if the license is GPL, they would need to hire the original dev and colaborate with him fairly if they ever want to make a proprietary version of the software (which can be done, as long as the dev is the sole copyright holder).