• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Here’s a few on reports:

    -If you think it merits a report report it.

    -If you’re unsure if it breaks a rule DM a mod.

    -Idealy on a report write the rule # broken. If you’re typing past three sentences it’s may have unnecessary info.

    -If someone is breaking a “don’t be mean” rule, the answer isn’t for you to break it too.

    Here’s a few non report ways you can help:

    -Set a positive tone.

    -A lot of good posts/comments probably never get heard because people think it’s too lower effort or no one is interested.

    -Crosspost to related communities to help people find related communities.

  • Completely different angle towards the question but Metro 2033 (and sequels) might be a good source of inspiration. Not space themed but there might be some elements that can be a source of inspiration.

    It’s about a post nuclear war Moscow where to survive humanity has set up a series of interlinked communities in the underground metro tunnels. The book talks a lot about the daily life in the stations. One is known for growing mushrooms used in tea. One was burnt down leading the rest of the system to strictly control fires. Another gained a reputation as a capital like station because it’s entrance was next to a university and government building.

    Not a true hard sci fi book (has things like irradiated mutants) but a lot of thought went into the logistics of living in the metro.

  • Glad to hear it! And yes that is me. You’re making me feel like Lemmy’s second biggest celebrity, behind the android community moderator Margot Robbie. If you enjoy the posts don’t forget to check out the Forgotten Weapons YouTube channel & website.

    The community is sort of a place for fans of the show to post stuff that other fans would enjoy, but it’s got a whole bunch of members who actually have found out about Forgotten Weapons through the Lemmy community first. I’m really glad to see people who find out about Forgotten Weapons from the community. It makes me feel like I’m giving back to Ian McCollum for everything I’ve learned from his show.