• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Law maker enacts legislation towards a company. The company is able to comply but instead the company pulls the service or severelyndegrades it. Then when users are pissed off the company will point to the law maker and say “they forced us to do this”. The law maker then suffers the blacklash of companies service withdrawal.

    Apple tried this with the EU usb c but eventually backed down. John deer tried this with right to repair. There are many cases where companies use these tactics to try and bully law makers away from regulating them and I think i know it’s legal and their right to do so but I find it gross.

    I don’t think the law makers should be solving the “problem” this way but I also don’t think pornhub should deny service from an entire state because they want an an ID check implemented.

  • Pornhub is only pulling out to punish the states for trying to stand up to them. In classic American monopoly fashion they go on the attack as soon as any legislation targets them.

    Pornhub claims the reason is because they dont to collect government ID but Pornhub collects user data and understands who their customers are. Adding government ID to their data would hardly be anymore of a privacy invasion and it’s not like they are forced to store it.

  • Life is interesting. Even on the most mundane boring day I can entertain myself in my thoughts. I don’t really get extreme mood swings like when I was a teenager. No matter how sad I am it doesn’t feel like the world is over. It’s enjoyable to exist from the small things like sun shining on my skin to the milestones.

    If my life ever changed and I was struggling with no chance of getting back on track I would consider changing my outlook.

  • I didn’t actually delete the data but for a solid 1min I thought I had deleted an entire production db of data.

    I made a delete then I hit refresh and nothing came. I refreshed again and no records panic started to set in and I refreshed again and still no records. I knew that changes replicated over to our quick backup every min so I picked up the phone and when the guy answered I said I need you to turn off the replication right now I think I just deleted the ministry of health.

    After a bit of troubleshooting it turns out the data was fine and my delete worked as intended. The issue was in my client and we checked a few things then gave up. I went for a long lunch after that.

    The biggest actual mistakes I’ve done were all caught by a really good manager i had and so I can’t even remember them because they never blew up.