Raves still exist? Damn
biting the fart bubbles in the bathtub
Raves still exist? Damn
Having found a strong and lasting romance, this isn’t even a question for me. I would never deprive my partner of what we’ve been lucky enough to make together. Obviously you never know what else might have been, but it would be madness to roll those dice again. Throwing away a happy life in hopes of higher highs? That sounds like the second act of a really tedious allegory.
All this to agree from another perspective with those who also said: You play the hand. Life is not “about” anything that happened to you, it’s about the choices you’ve made and what they meant.
Oh god, I’d successfully suppressed all memory of this guy. One more brick from my sanity’s Jenga tower…
…Is it like a sex position? 😕
All good ^^
I feel like maybe we’re pretty bad at it too.
Was I unclear, or are you agreeing with me?
We’re gonna slut-shame wild animals when there are still billionaires we haven’t strung up? Let’s tend our own gardens for a while, at least until we’re in a geological period not named after our mistakes.
Thanks (・–・) \(・◡・)/
I’m glad you’ve got a few tricks and assets to stay on top of it, at least. A better social life is on everyone’s list, these days it must be said.
I should look into those supplements you mentioned for my wife and kid, they sound promising at first glance.
If you’re not struggling with it, there’s no reason to treat it. Everyone’s a little different, you can’t pathologize individuality.
So there’s a frightening little maniac who constantly annoys you in elaborate ways and always wants to play.
Brethren, that’s just having a kid with hyperactive ADHD.
It might be auditory processing disorder. The second more than one person is talking (and books count) I begin to crave death.
“You want to buy some Deathsticks.”
“I wanna buy some Deathsticks.”
“Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it’s probably shit.”
I’m fine with that while it lasts. Having millions of active users would increase the feed, but it’s not going to increase the likelihood of me talking to anyone smart
What are you, five? Are you this many? 🖐️
The point being made is that in a healthy democracy, voting is either very high turnout or mandatory, as in some countries. It’s also worth pointing out that getting 20% of all possible voters is an extremely weak mandate, and one of the norms we’ve been relying on is the idea that you don’t have the right to fundamentally reshape the country according to your preferences.
People are systematically, deliberately denied votes in every American election. Their entire voting system was a compromise with slave states. American elections are bad by design.
And yes, let’s also highlight the fact that a violent insurrectionist was allowed to run for office. Putting it mildly, that is not a sign of a healthy normal election.
If you’re going to hate Americans be my guest, but hate them for tolerating the existing system at all. It’s a structurally unjust society from the ground up and they’re ridiculous for tolerating it.
Imagine rolling into the ancient Egyptian afterlife with a billion tonnes of mouldering refuse. The pharaohs wouldn’t know what hit em