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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • The Indicator by Planet Money from NPR: they talk about what they feel are important indicators for the current economy, and expand on various economic topics in ways that I think anybody can understand, and are rather short.

    The 1A from NPR: they talk about various topics that are affecting the US. They like to get people to chime in with their views, and have some experts on the topics to discuss context and how certain groups are or aren’t pushing for changes. Its usually close to an hour long, and not all topics interest me, but they do talk about fake news, presidential elections, housing, mental health etc.

    Planet Money from NPR: longer form discussions of economics, somewhat similar to the Indicator, but not as short form and they really expand on economic stories that I think are really interesting. Some topics include how, many, random people, can relatively accurately determine the weight of a cow (and how this defines the economy), the real estate trail that recently occurred and its background.

  • I would say its an economy thing. Google and those other large companies are letting people go mainly because interests rates are so high at the moment. With high interests rates that means lending is more expensive which also means expansions are harder to make financially work. This also applies to AAA game companies.

    The lay offs will continue until there’s an equilibrium of revenue and expenses (because right now, expenses are too high), or until interests rates decrease again. Since the inflation rate is still above the (Fed)Federal Reserve’s desired 2% (it was at 3.5 for March, up from 3.2% in February), its very unlikely that the Fed will lower interests rates soon.

    We’re basically waiting on companies to reach equilibrium, cut back their spending, for inflation to go down and hoping a full on recession doesn’t come about before then.

  • There’s sort of 3 sides to the issue.

    • A pro Israel side, which includes people that believe all of Palestinian land should also be only theirs as well as people that maybe don’t care about the land but care that Hamas is defeated and/or the Israeli hostages are saved
    • Pro Hamas side: people that believe that Israel should be destroyed and Israelis killed, partly because of the damage that they have done to Palestinians
    • Pro Palestinian side: Don’t want innocent Palestinians being bombed, starved or shot by Israel. Some also want a 2 state solutions implemented.

    I don’t hear any real Pro Hamas people (since Hamas is very must a terrorist group), other than circumstantial (“Hamas is literally the only option Palestinians have aside the other side that is literally killing them”). Hamas basically wants to destroy Israel, which is what led to the October 7th attacks in which about 1,000 Israelis were killed. They felt that peace with Israel was not helping their goals, as Israel bombing Palestinians would help recruit more Hamas soldier with which to use to help destroy Israel.

    The UN and many countries feel that despite Israel having the right to defend its citizens and attempt to infiltrate and destroy terrorists(Hamas), Israel is executing this plan in such a way that is unnecessarily killing thousands of innocent Palestinians(both through weapons but also starvation), about half of which are children.

    A lot of the misinformation in regards to this topic are: “If you don’t support Israel you’re antisemitic”, “You’re either supporting Israel or you’re supporting Hamas”, “Palestinians overwhelming support Hamas”, “Israelis completely support what their government is doing”

    I’m too lazy to source the above so obviously assume I’m lying/wrong (same with anybody else not posting any sources). You should read actual articles from reliable new sources, but hopefully the above gives you some information to understand what those articles are talking about.

  • So the people teaching the game with you should make sure everyone is aware of the game time and expectations, first of all. I love board games, but would be a bit irritated if someone expected me to play Terra Mystica at a moments notice. The only exception that comes to mind is if they’re cool with ending it early because I wouldn’t be able to play the whole time.

    Since your friends don’t seem very responsible, you have to do more legwork. I would ask which game is being played, and what the expected game time is. In addition, let them know your time limitations and that you’ll have to leave by a specific time whether your finished or not. This may lead to less invitations (“lets start a game of Twilight Imperium 3 at 830 Pm on a Tuesday night! but lets not invite Meep_Launcher because he’ll leave the game early”) but at least everyone will be aware of the situation before hand.

    Ideally, your friends will work around the person with the most restrictive schedule, “only 2 hours? lets play some love letter, DND Inn fighting game, and Port Royale”. If they really want to play Monopoly, you can suggest a better time when you would be interested in playing where you’d have sufficient time to finish the game.