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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Literally the reason why I use apple products is because their UI is the only one which is consistent, looks the best, and performs the best. MacOS/iOS pings the GPU to draw animations with a higher priority than other tasks which makes it a smoother experience overall.

    I strongly believe that the flat and dull UI design of windows and Android looks cheap, tacky, and out of place on the highest end devices. Glassy UI design is the pinnacle of UI design because it looks the best, gives a sense of layering that’s lost with an opaque UI, and puts the powerful GPUs in modern devices to work which ties into a sense of value for money when you buy the higher end devices.

    If Apple rebranded themselves to be a flat UI like Windows did from 7 to 8, I’d literally sell my apple ecosystem on the spot. I however don’t see that happening because my bet is that they converge with VisionOS in which glassy design is a critical UI design choice that enables VR and AR to be as seamless as it can be.

    I have kept an eye on the android ecosystem and think I’ll switch over eventually if Samsung adopts a glassy UI that permeates ALL of the UI and not just the notification shade/homescreen icon drawer/edge panels. However though, since Samsung doesn’t have Linux software, you have to use Windows’s myphone app alongside Dex applications on windows to get the continuity features I get in the apple ecosystem. As a sidebar, the removal of Samsung notes as a universal windows app (Only Samsung laptops can officially run Samsung notes) left a particularly bad taste in my mouth for android because I feel like that sort of thing could happen with anything I rely on within the ecosystem.

    As a note about the windows ecosystem: it’s incredibly slow, android apps are being removed from Windows in 2025 (which would make me rely on Dex for any continuity at all). Windows applications are generally coded poorly, are not uniform because there’s a lack of CoreUI frameworks to build an application off of, and it just looks awful with the mix of XP settings icons and Windows 11 icons all smudged together for legacy reasons. Windows 12 needs to completely overhaul its UI and android continuity for me to even consider using it. As it stands now, I would switch to Linux because I could have a glassy desktop theme, but the continuity features just aren’t there on Linux with android.

  • Contractions are very regional and a product of spoken English which varies quite a lot from place to place. For example, I use contractions that I don’t see people around me using like: y’all (plural 2nd person pronoun that’s missing in official English speech; verbs are conjugated the same as 2nd person singular forms), shouldn’t’ve, gonna (going to/ going to want to), wanna (want to), that’re, then’ll, then’re etc.

  • French Canadian here

    All of our swear words are Catholic church vocabulary words. As a never Catholic I always find them hilarious when I say them. They can basically be used as stand-ins for words in the same way as we use “fuck” in English or strung together.

    “Saint Ciboire” was my grandmother’s favorite when I would fuck something up.

    baptême [ba.tae̯m]: “baptism”
    câlice [kɑːlɪs] (calice): “chalice”
    ciboire [si.bwɑːʁ]: “ciborium” or “pyx”, receptacles in which the host is stored
    criss [kʁɪs] (Christ): “Christ”, or crisser, a more emphatic version of sacrer, both verbs meaning “to curse”
    esti [əs.t͡si], [ɛs.t͡si] or ostie [ɔs.t͡si] (hostie): “host [cookie]”
    maudit [moːd͡zi] (m) or maudite [moːd͡zit] (f): “damned” (or “damn”)
    sacrament [sa.kʁa.mã] (sacrement): “Sacrament”
    saint [sẽ]: “Saint”, added before others (ex. saint-simonaque, saint-sacrament, etc.)
    simonaque [si.mɔ.nak] (simoniaque): from the sin of simony
    tabarnak [ta.baʁ.nak] (tabernacle): “tabernacle”; typically considered the most profane of the sacres
    viarge [vjaʁʒ] (vierge): “the Virgin Mary”
    Moïse: Moses

  • My upbringing in the US shamed all forms of sexuality; I was entirely forbidden from watching porn until I moved out on my own for college. I feel like that upbringing was very very harmful to me as an adult though because I spent my entire 20s breaking away from that shame and guilt. I had a good sex-Ed teacher in 6th-7th grades but they just simply didn’t spend enough time on the topic to educate me at all about anything but very basic anatomy though. The amount of shame I got at home just didn’t let my sex-Ed class information get absorbed in a way that was conducive to a normal sex life; we were never told that sex was normal and healthy either.

    Me personally, my interest in animal science/anatomy led me to reading books about sexuality and the missing sex info I needed. I really don’t think it was healthy to have to learn that information alone; I’m lucky and I was reading official textbook material; I couldn’t imagine kids today learning accurate information from uncertified sources.

    Like, sex-Ed at the senior HS level should be basically a how-to pleasure yourself and others in a healthy way and pitfalls to avoid. They should go into the anatomy and physiology ad nauseum so every student feels comfortable in their body as an adult.