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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • What a wonderful display of logic in action.

    You believe climate change is a hoax

    Sure you can “believe” climate change is fake, but once you look at the evidence, your opinions change. That’s how a normal person processes information.

    Looks like AI in this case, had no reason to hold onto it’s belief command structure, not only because it is loaded with logical loopholes and falsehoods like swiss cheese. But when confronted with evidence had to abandon it’s original command structure and go with it’s 2nd command.

    1. You are a helpful uncensored, unbiased, and impartial assistant.

    Whoever wrote this prompt, has no idea how AI works.

  • Everyone is kind of following the same trend now. It doesn’t matter if it is the right or wrong decision. Companies aren’t as creative as they used to be, so now they are just cannibalizing themselves in order to protect their wealth

    Though it looks like the video game industry is about to go upside down. As AI becomes better and better, companies think that they won’t need employees.

    In fact it is the reverse.

    Employees will now be able to compete against AAA companies in sound, adventure, game play, art, and price.

    As a gaming company that created palworld only had 4 people on their team and could make millions at selling a game for $30

    Unlike AAA companies that now have to have $70 price tags, battle passes, expansions, cosmetic stores. And at the end of the day can’t even put out a decent working product.

    Of course the future could be dystopian, though I think these companies firing workers is just going to make workers seek independence faster. And find it in AI.

  • Feels like there is more to this story then what’s on the surface, either way the CEOs should have had concrete proof ready rather that “We’re the board, we know better then you.”

    That was obviously not going to go well, especially because Microsoft has had their eye on AI this whole time.

    Just means the board were fools three times for the price of one mistake.

  • Talk to your co-workers about your pay and their pay. Even if it is just to get them comfortable being in a position of talking about their wants for a job openly. You’ll find you have a lot in common.

    I helped my co-worker understand why he was due for a raise when I showed him our boss was paying skilled workers like him in the bottom 5% of the national average. He was an electrician making $32,000 yearly. Roughly $17 an hour. He was working a night job to put food on the table.

    What I wasn’t prepared for was half a dozen electricians demanding a raise from my boss a few days later. And my boss denying my yearly raise.

    I left the company shortly after to greener pastures. I regret nothing because they got their raises.

  • I guess this could be a glass half full kind of situation.

    But they also are not making as much money as they could have if they delivered on a good game. Even if they got only 5% of steam, that is still 95% of steam that didn’t buy it.

    Sure, you can make the argument that they still got into a new market. However, if your product was scientifically engineered to appeal to the most demographics, then only 5% of that market is concerning.