I’m a programmer and amateur radio operator.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Can I take one end of a cable with me?

    What’s the max power I can get from the sockets?

    Where does the eject button dump people and can it be set to dump things other than people as well?

    Does time continue inside the pocket dimension if no one is inside?

    What’s the internal temperature/humidity? Is it regulated?

    Can I choose what I take with me, or is it just everything im wearing/carrying?

    Questions aside, I would fill it with all sorts of stuff that I might need at some point, but leave enough space for a bed and a desk.

  • CRT screens generate bremsstrahlung (x-rays) from slowing electrons, so the front piece of glass is normally made of lead glass, or barium-strontium glass to block it.
    After the General Electric incident, testing showed that nearly every manufacturers TVs were emitting too many x-rays. This led to the recommendation to stay 6 ft. away from the TV when it was on. The FDA then later imposed limits on how much radiation a TV was allowed to emit.
    With the these regulations, if you were to absorb all x-rays from a CRT for 2 hours a day, every day, you would get 320 millirem per year (comparable to the average US background radiation of 310 millirem per year). See here, as well as this article.
    Edit: Also, significant doses of x-rays can blind you. Radiologists in medicine particularly have to shield against it, since they are exposed to it every day, and exposure builds up. See here and here.
    Edit again: Wasn’t paying enough attention. That last source talks about ionizing radiation specifically, so not x-rays.