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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Similar to ours just not crammed into shoes with tiny toe boxes. If you look at a baby’s foot their toes are spread super wide which is how human feet naturally are, but most shoes cream your toes causing you to develop narrowed feet over time.

    I started wearing barefoot shoes two years ago and my back no longer hurts when I walk, and I can walk 10+ miles now without my feet killing me. It took a few months to get used to but once my feet adjusted they got much stronger. Now normal shoes are painful to wear and difficult to balance in because I’ve gotten used to being planted firmly to the ground.

  • That was a pretty interesting read. However, I think it’s attributing correlation and causation a little too strongly. The overall vibe of the article was that developers who use Copilot are writing worse code across the board. I don’t necessarily think this is the case for a few reasons.

    The first is that Copilot is just a tool and just like any tool it can easily be misused. It definitely makes programming accessible to people who it would not have been accessible to before. We have to keep in mind that it is allowing a lot of people who are very new to programming to make massive programs that they otherwise would not have been able to make. It’s also going to be relied on more heavily by those who are newer because it’s a more useful tool to them, but it will also allow them to learn more quickly.

    The second is that they use a graph with an unlabeled y-axis to show an increase in reverts, and then never mention any indication of whether it is raw lines of code or percentage of lines of code. This is a problem because copilot allows people to write a fuck ton more code. Like it legitimately makes me write at least 40% more. Any increase in revisions are simply a function of writing more code. I actually feel like it leads to me reverting a lesser percentage of lines of code because it forces me to reread the code that the AI outputs multiple times to ensure its validity.

    This ultimately comes down to the developer who’s using the AI. It shouldn’t be writing massive complex functions. It’s just an advanced, context-aware autocomplete that happens to save a ton of typing. Sure, you can let it run off and write massive parts of your code base, but that’s akin to hitting the next word suggestion on your phone keyboard a few dozen times and expecting something coherent.

    I don’t see it much differently than when high level languages first became a thing. The introduction of Python allowed a lot of people who would never have written code in their life to immediately jump in and be productive. They both provide accessibility to more people than the tools before them, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing even if there are some negative side effects. Besides, in anything that really matters there should be thorough code reviews and strict standards. If janky AI generated code is getting into production that is a process issue, not a tooling issue.

  • I mean if you have access but are not using Copilot at work you’re just slowing yourself down. It works extremely well for boilerplate/repetitive declarations.

    I’ve been working with third party APIs recently and have written some wrappers around them. Generally by the 3rd method it’s correctly autosuggesting the entire method given only a name, and I can point out mistakes in English or quickly fix them myself. It also makes working in languages I’m not familiar with way easier.

    AI for assistance in programming is one of the most productive uses for it.

  • Eh, it’s really not that much money to get a half decent set. Learn to sharpen/hone a knife and learn how to use a knife properly and you can make even cheap knives last basically forever. Babish has a <$100 knife set that’s serviceable as a professional set.

    I’m very into cooking and have a $700 set of Wüsthof knives and they’re awesome to use, but 100% unnecessary. They’d be no better than a dollar store knife if I didn’t learn to take care of them. So many people drag knife edges sideways on cutting boards, cut on improper surfaces, cut in ways that dull the edge quickly, and then throw them in the dishwasher. Then after a year of not sharpening them replace them for more than the cost of a good sharpener.

    With proper care/use and almost daily cooking I sharpen my chef’s knife once a month, and my other knives once every few months. For $50 you can get a sharpening system with a guide that makes it almost impossible to fuck up and you’ll never pay for knives again.

  • As I’ve progressed from my early to mid 20s this is something I’ve really tried to focus on.

    I was extremely reactive and volatile emotionally, and a single thing could fuck up my entire day. Between my brain doing its last bit of developing, and getting a hold of my generalized anxiety disorder and depressive disorder through therapy, I’ve gone from, “this fucking sucks” before having break downs in the worst case to, “I can feel bad once it’s fixed, but it’s gotta be fixed first”.

    This is definitely a healthier mindset, but I catch myself trying to fix things that just can’t be fixed. Sometimes you just gotta let go, so that’s been my focus recently. It’s hard, but I think recognizing it has been a great first step.

  • There are levels to it. As things get more complex the problems get infinitely more strange. As you learn a particular technology the strange things you encounter are often because of a misunderstanding about that technology or the way it works.

    Once you hit professional level software engineering (think distributed systems), things are strange in large part because the system you’re working on has hundreds of thousands of man hours poured into it, and is often very complex with 10 different technologies backing it to do various things.

    The more strange things you encounter though the more you’re learning!

  • This is a super interesting question!

    For me IDK if any amount of money would significantly improve my life. I’m not terribly materialistic and I’m happy with what I have/don’t feel like I immediately want or am missing something. I make good money and stash as much as possible while still enjoying nights out with friends and buying whatever I want.

    I’m currently saving up a quarter million for a house down payment, and while it’s a lot of money my quality of life/overall happiness would be the same so I wouldn’t call the change significant. Things are really good in my life for once, and it’s nice to be able to recognize that. Thanks for the question it actually made me really happy to think about how lucky I am.

    I hope others in this thread who need it can find some fortune in their future.

  • I think in this case AM4 is fine. I recommended it because OP mentioned the price was a bit much, and AM4 at the moment gets you a lot of value. Especially given they are someone who plays indie games primarily with some heavier games occasionally and isn’t on all the latest AAA games. I’m actually very similar to them where I’ll play the occasional AAA game, but I mainly stick to Minecraft and KSP (which is stupid CPU intensive). My R5 3600 was more than enough for this and my upgrade was 100% unnecessary, so the 5600X should last them quite a while. There is also a decent upgrade path from a 5600X to a 5800X3D or 5900X3D.

    We’re starting to see gaps between generations get smaller as Moore’s law fails, so I think parts are going to start lasting a bit longer now anyway. Hell, my 4970k lasted me almost 7 years, and my mom ran it in her work PC I built her for another 3 after that.

    I honestly don’t think either path is a bad one, just up to them if they want to save some money or get a little bit more upgradability.

  • I’m going to preface this with this computer will last quite a while, but you won’t have nearly as much of an upgrade path if you went with an AM5 platform (latest AMD CPU socket) on DDR5 (latest generation of RAM). With that said, your use case seems to be one that will not require keeping up with the latest games, so if you want to save some money this is what I would do.

    NOTE: Prices are from Amazon, you can likely find a few components cheaper elsewhere.

    CPU: You don’t need an R5 7600. I was running an R5 3600 up until a few months ago and the only reason I upgraded was I found a 5800X3D for a good price. I’d go for an R5 5600X which is $60 cheaper than the 7600 and will be more than enough for City Skylines 2

    Motherboard: You can now get a B450DS3H board for that CPU for $40 cheaper

    RAM: You’ll now be on DDR4. Get a 16GB kit of CL16 DDR4, will be about the same price as the DDR5 you have. May want to go for 32GB of RAM because sim games eat RAM, but ultimately up to you. You can always buy more down the road if needed as a 32GB kit is like $5 less than 2 16GB kits.

    Case: The no-name brand cases on Amazon are actually quite good. You can get a nice case for ~$50. Hell, I just found a Thermaltake Versa H18 for that price. Another $55 saved.

    GPU: I haven’t kept up to date on GPUs, but I’ve heard good things about the 6700XT, and benchmarks look respectable for BG3 and City Skylines 2. You could likely get away with something a bit less powerful, but price to performance seems to side with the 6700XT.

    This brings the price down to $831. You could ditch the aftermarket cooler and get it under $800 as the 5600X comes with a cooler, but I’m never going to knock aftermarket coolers as they tend to be much quieter and less whiny than stock.

  • NYC is definitely very different from just about all other cities in my experience. I visited many large cities growing up, and now live near many, so I thankfully learned at a young age to adapt to wherever I’m visiting. However, some people have never left their small town, or consider Omaha, Nebraska to be a large city.

    There is a certain way to act and walk in NYC that will keep scammers away from you and prevent you from being run over by cars, or other pedestrians. Anyone who doesn’t know this generally has a bad time and thinks New Yorkers are assholes, but they’re very nice in my experience. They become rude when you inconvenience or are inconsiderate of others.

    Two examples from the last time I was working there:

    • A couple with thick southern accents being harassed by some dude with CDs because they didn’t know how to say fuck off and just push through him. After about 20 seconds of them being stopped someone with a thick as fuck Brooklyn accent tells the guy off for them, and walks away without acknowledging them while bitching about tourists.

    • Someone stopping in the middle of the sidewalk at 12:30 pm in Manhattan to look up at some tall building before getting ping-ponged between 3 people shoving past them until they ended up on the edge of the sidewalk where they belonged.