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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • Goddamn I remember when I thought like this. So many big ideas and entire worlds just floating around in my conciseness.

    Yes, this is a starting point. Actually, it’s a lot of starting points.

    Go sentence by sentence. Why is it vague? Sounds to me like this is an old language. An old language, from before the current state of things. It’s evolved as it needed, while still being private. Figure out why it started vague, and go from there. Figure out why it’s private. You’ve got a lot to work with here.

    Just break it down. Assume you need to back up every statement you make.

  • If I was approaching something from a language-first style, I’d probably try to figure out what kind of cultural and geographic features would influence the language in it’s current form. Just some mind vomit without giving hardly any thought to it:

    • language slow and sing songy could indicate a more leisure focused society, and that would mean either nearby natural resources, or a robust engineering that handles base needs
    • Or it could be a culture that tries to embrace peace and uses song and dance to put guests at ease
    • guttural or short language could be a battlng society, where info needs to be communicated efficiently
    • Or it could be a culture that uses spoken language as only part of their method of communication.

    Just spitballing here. Hope there’s a nugget of something in there.