the leading interest being whatever dictator sits at the top.
This is the part that matters. This is also true for Soviet communism or really any real life communism. The instruments are different, but the song is the same.
the leading interest being whatever dictator sits at the top.
This is the part that matters. This is also true for Soviet communism or really any real life communism. The instruments are different, but the song is the same.
That doesn’t change that the powers of governance and commerce were in the same hands. Changing what you call it is just semantics.
Google doesn’t cost money, but it’s not free.
Didn’t the state own all the corporations in the USSR? How would that not be state and corporate power combined?
Subway got in trouble for their subs not being a full twelve inches. They tried to claim that ‘footlong’ was just a trademark and didn’t mean they’d be an actual foot long.
It wouldn’t be hard to do simultaneous posting. People figured that out ages ago.
It would be plastic for a very long time, but the cup wouldn’t likely survive very long. It would get ground down to plastic dust to be ingested within a few years unless it was in a particularly stable area.
Information not being private isn’t the same thing as information being public.
I’m not sure that is a realistic expectation these days.
Good water pressure does a much better job than your hand.
White Jesus predates the '40s by quite a long way. European Christians have been depicting him that way for centuries. I’m pretty sure Americans had a white Jesus before then as well.
Sadly, it’s hard to find accurate depictions of Jesus in the western world.
Dating apps want you to fail to find someone to keep you using the app. Tree’s got your back, though.
They probably wanted to sell it as AI training data.
Okay, so then do you really want the Trump administration deciding on what speech to ban? Freedom of speech isn’t just about defending monsters. It also can save us from them.
That is exactly white savior complex. Other cultures aren’t troubled children that need us white folk to come save them from other people sharing their culture.
I’ve never seen anyone that wasn’t lily white complain about cultural appropriation.
Yes, that was the point.
The trick is to just get in line and pretend you don’t understand the concept of groups like everyone else does.
Okay, you’re not required to snarkily broadcast that in the conversation, though. You could just ignore it.
Argued by racists…
The guy who literally changed the rules so he could stay in power indefinitely isn’t a dictator? Right, there is no point in continuing if you can’t agree on objective reality.