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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It doesn’t request location access, it doesn’t request contact or phone access, it doesn’t require you to sign into a microsoft account, it doesn’t constantly send data back home, etc… It only requests file permission and camera permission while you are using the app. A lot of apps harvest your data, and the entire Windows OS is built around harvesting your data and spying on your every click. This app doesn’t seem to do that as far as anyone can discern.

  • I love the absurdity of game reviewers 😂

    • “This game is the pinnicle of its genre”

    • “This is the 1 game I would bring to a desert island”

    • “one of the most captivating puzzle games ever”

    85%, 88%, 70%, a C to a B. That is just above average.

    Meanwhile you get an absolute broken AAA piece of crap that barely functions, incoherant story, generic and boring and those same reviewers say “70-80%”. So there is a <10% difference between absolutely mastering a genre and releasing straight garbage?

  • The thing is, you can ONLY have a conversation with extremely like minded people. If you are not tip-of-the-left authoritarian, you are called a filthy lib and shunned.

    Sadly it just suffers the same syndrome as that conservative sub on reddit: “Anyone who doesn’t agree with me on every important and semi important point is literally the same as my worst enemy and I will fill their inbox with insults”

    I disagreed with the way they often brigade posts and they said I was “indiscernible from the racist, fascist party” from my country. Like they went through the effort of looking up where I was from and the political parties there to find the most right wing one to name call and insult me with lol. That says a lot about the community culture, in my opinion.

    It also has heavy Russian apologist content. Like, I even understand that MLs love China and excuse everything they do, but Russia is literally an right wing oligarchy with no health care and crippled social benefits that is led by an extreme right wing authoritarian fascist. I get that they are China’s ally by the enemy-of-my-enemy principle, but that doesn’t mean they are automatically good.

  • How to accurately estimate signal crosstalk and power delivery performance without FEM/MoM simulators.

    For people and companies that can’t afford 25k-300k per year in licence and compute costs, there is yet to be a good standard way to estimate EM performance. Not to mention dedicated simulation machines needed.

    That’s why these companies can charge so damn much. The systems are so complex that making a ton of assumptions to pump out some things by hand or with bulk circuit simulators often doesn’t even get close to real world performance.

    If someone figured out an accurate method without those simulations, the industry could also save a shit ton of compute power and time.