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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023

  • So, I’d say there is some slight issue with replacing all decision makers with AI cause Walmart and Amazon does it for employee efficiency. It means the staff are micro managed and treated like machines the same way the computer is.

    Walmart employees are moved around the floor like roombas to never interact with each other and no real availability for customers to get someone. Warehouse workers are overworked by bullshit ideas of efficiency.

    Now I get that it could be fixed by having the AI systems designed to be more empathetic but who is choosing how they are programmed? The board still?

    We just need good bosses who still interact with their employees on their level. We don’t need AI “replacing” anyone pretty much anywhere, but can be used as a helpful tool.

  • trying to build a community

    I honestly think that’s the big part there. You can build a great app but it doesn’t matter if no one is using it and you don’t get feed back or it’s not shared around.

    So, here we are trying to use the newest virtual 3rd space to create a community so that there is people will feel engaged in the product and share it around to add more.

    But that’s also an issue with discord. It wants to be a social space more than a useful space and it usually gets entirely dominated by a few users with others less inclined to add in. It’s also accessible but not easy necessarily to stumble into if you are outside of the community trying to look into it more.

    It just does the wrong job, slower and less efficient than old school forums or wikis, but it’s the tools we have to use in this less efficient connected Internet of the now.

  • Sure but also general trolls that are just trying to get an emotional rise just piss in wind thinking they aren’t getting bait. It’s that concept of not feeding the trolls.

    Also comments are reddits bread and butter so processing a few extra aren’t really impacting them and they are small to begin with. There is also the added bonus of it looks good on metrics for interactions.

    I think assuming every troll has a bot army is greatly overestimating them, people are more underwhelming than even they like to admit. And seems like it could help with minor deviants but also I wonder if that would make them act up more and turn to more offensive ways of baiting an audience, but then you ban them.
    Sort of like boiling a group down on purpose. A bit awful as you help nurture the problems to be more easy to remove.

  • On Reddit you will be banned if you say something the mods don’t like and they take personally. And it can get you banned off the sire permanently too.

    Often commenting on one thread will ban you from other subreddits entirely by bot. Plus all the same garbage of not being able to say words that are considered naughty or no-no words from people who think it makes them superior are all over reddit.

    I once got banned from a “leftist” subreddit cause I pointed out that a post was right wing disinformation and the mod responded that they agreed with it so it couldn’t be propaganda and then spent like an hour yelling at me in my messages about how it was a starter leftist sub and that I didn’t belong if I wasn’t going to agree.

    But honestly the world is full of the dumbest little shits and everyone everywhere has a quirk and Lemmy is full of people full of themselves and thinking their shit don’t stink. That and moderately well off liberals that can’t handle being told they are wrong because they “are well educated and know how things work”.

    I do think it’s insane how quick people are to block and how even more empty it makes the fediverse, interesting that you are dealing with people that also have the ability to delete your replies though as that’s not really a thing on Lemmy so maybe a mastodon thing?
    乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ

  • I just want to counter with, I actually reached out to a progressive election group that’s supposed to help left leaning people get elected into local office positions after being confused by some of the requirements of getting on the ballot and was straight up told I was not wealthy enough to even consider running.
    That unless I had a wealthy parent or a church group that I could collect more funds from, I shouldn’t even bother but just donate to them to get someone better and wealthier elected in my place.

    When your barrier to entry isn’t even just knowledge of the system, and having networking to assist you but literally the amount of money in your bank account, the concept of running against the people who will not only crush you and your campaign but likely hurt your non political career and livelihood of earned capital, then doing so becomes less of an option.

    I then supported a person I agreed with for a Legal position who was literally a public defender and he lost to a guy who played football in college with no history in law or civil service.

    It might be easy to run a campaign and I might have a slightly more skewed representation as I am closer to a larger city but when even the left side is looking at how mucho ey they can make on running campaigns and not how likely they are to help shift policy then we are royally fucked on the concept of representation by the people.

  • Well if you have ever been to a pool you are breathing in a pretty heavy dose of chloramine and depending on where you live there is likely chlorine in your tap water. I’ve even had to wash my veggies and fruits in bleach water because of parasites. It’s not exactly healthy for you but it’s not exactly harmful as long as you don’t do anything stupid. It’s a cleaning agent.

    I’m using about a teaspoon for a gallon of water and actually settled on using a pre-diluted mixture in a spray bottle and just spray some in when I see it getting moldy again. Which is to say I also only do it like once a month to 2 weeks and try to do it before leaving the room or house for a bit to let it run without me immediately breathing in.

    The other recommendation would be hydrogen peroxide since it breaks down a lot faster into just water anyways but it’s slightly less effective and less easy to just have on hand.

    Salt seems like a terrible idea. I have super duper soft water with nothing in it but some basic calcium… Calcium powder is always settled all around my humidifier. And nearby glass surfaces. It will carry some salt with it, guaranteed. Plus I see it clogging important mechanisms or pores.

  • Damn I’d ask if you are me but I absolutely love my cast iron skillet cause it’s the most nonstick pan in my house and I cook plenty. I have 2.

    Humidifier, I found it easier to have one of those old school plastic water pitchers next to my humidifier that I can use to fill it up or keep a refill immediately nearby if I know I’m gonna use it all day and a little splash of bleach every now and again actually does a lot for cleaning it out on its own. But it sits empty a lot still.

    Shark robo vacuum and Anker’s Eufy lines can die by fire. Both suck for completely different reasons and I have wasted so much money and I so wish I hadn’t accidentally lit on fire the like 3rd gen iRobot my grandmother gifted me because it was so “dumb” it was the only one that worked.