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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023

  • It’s less about profit and more about sustained growth. During the COVID lockdowns publishers saw a big bump in cash flow due to increased sales and subsidies. That caused them to hire new employees en masse among other investments because in the corporate world there is no such thing as leaving money unspent. Money needs to earn more money because capitalism and shareholders.

    After the lockdowns, that extra cash flow receded quickly. The response from publishers to keep their growth rate from also falling is to lay off employees and reduce risks.

  • I have the opposite problem. I see a lot of funny memes but I had to check Reddit to find out about the Baltimore bridge collapsing. It’s probably because I have a lot of communities and instances blocked because of too many crappy people on them. News communities tend to attract a lot of people with polarized opinions so I had to get rid of a lot of them for the sake of my mental health. The tradeoff is it’s harder to stay informed.

    I don’t have an account on Reddit so I just check the front page for headlines and don’t bother with the comments. Less engagement makes it easier to ignore the idiots, whereas on Lemmy I’m compelled to interact more.

  • That’s the one. I felt bad leaving without a word but it was spur of the moment. I just got the sudden realization like I was a teenager still hanging out in the McDonalds Play Place and quietly noped out the door.

    Not that I have anything against gen z. I just couldn’t relate to most of what they were saying. So I guess a better analogy is that I was like an old man wandering around the mall surrounded by teenagers. Except malls are dead now so gen z still won’t relate. Hence: bumbling grandpa.

    I also joined the RetroDaze forum before that but there were only two or three other active users and I got the impression at least one of them was an “I voted for Trump” type of guy.