Melody Fwygon

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • So much for using airplane mode to conserve battery.

    Your understanding is slightly off.

    Airplane mode Does In Fact Turn off your CELLULAR Radio This radio is what powers your (2/3/4/5)G and LTE (This is 4G btw) connection to the cell towers.

    Most international radio communications laws can prohibit the use of Cellular Radio in flight; however they often don’t prohibit the use of shorter range radio technologies such as WIFI or Bluetooth.

    It’s all about ‘loudness’. Think about it. Your phone must ‘scream louder’ at a farther away cell tower than it would need to communicate with a nearby WiFi router or a Bluetooth headset.

  • With that being said; I do fully support an Instance’s choice to federate, not federate or even limit their federation with them.

    In most cases this should not affect instances; but unfortunately there are people who will ignore all warnings and use the Fedi Garden as a whitelist instead of a list of instances that you know will handle policy violations quickly.

    On the other hand I absolutely also respect the needs of communities who ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY WILL NOT TOLERATE instances who choose to federate with either X, Threads, or any other instance they deem to be too toxic to play nicely. As instance operators you absolutely have the right to block problems BEFORE they happen, and if you happen to KNOW an instance will absolutely be a HEADACHE, you have every right to say NO. If the users do not like your decision; they are free to find a better instance for themselves; or spin up an alt account on a better instance.

  • I would argue that federating with either of the biggest companies on the fediverse is a monumentally bad idea.

    Not just because of “Reports of genocide” or anything specious like that; which can be debated for days and days on end by people in both good and bad faith; but because both Threads and Meta are simply too large to be moderated correctly and be capable of managing basic issues such as harrassment and extended bouts of hate-speech which should never be considered acceptable; even if you do not necessarily agree with all of the goals and policies of the Fedi Garden; as strict as they are.

  • I wouldn’t consider them that terribly biased personally; as their livelihood (Money) is put into shorting whatever company is being reported on (Mouth). Literally they put their money where their mouth is…and if they make a horrible mistake in reading a company going under and doing really shady things; they’re going to basically go out themselves pretty quickly and lose a lot of credibility in the process.

    Is it maybe a little scummy? Yes. But as they’re calling out scumbags anyways; it looks more like a legitimate application of “taking a scammer to know a scammer”. It’s better that they’re legitimately profiting from calling out companies that are cheating everyone and reporting on it to benefit the public in the process.

  • Personally; I manage my BO. If I can lift my shirt up, pull my head inside the shirt, and smell my own armpit odor, then I’m in need of some DO.

    I’ve been using a Dove branded Spray-On (AP/)DO for Women and it’s effective. By combining the acts of applying DO, then, changing clothes; I don’t particularly sweat over much.

    I Do Shower on an As-Needed Basis. That’s saying that I do shower, without committing to any specific showering pattern or timing basis. If you try to imply I don’t shower regularly you will look foolish.

    If I stink, then it’s either uncommonly hot and humid or I have not yet had the opportunity needed to shower. The hows and whys of this are not important; but generally if I choose not to shower, it’s probably for a good reason.

    I do suffer from some allergies and disabilities. I won’t comment on what they are specifically, but they do exist, so I keep my fragrances light and unobtrusive; and I try to shower only when I can manage to handle doing so. I’m not going to uproot or upset my health, focus, peace or routine just to take a shower to please someone arbitrary; but I do allow the people whom I live with and love to remind me gently should I forget about addressing my BO in the chaos of life.

    This isn’t saying that I don’t care. It’s saying I’m imperfect, I have a life, and I do get overloaded sometimes.

  • I don’t like the idea of a prompt being subtly manipulated like this to “force” inclusion. Instead the training data should be augmented and the AI re-trained on a more inclusive dataset.

    The prompt given by the user shouldn’t be prefixed or suffixed by additional words, sentences or phrases; except to remind the AI what it is not allowed to generate.

    Instead of forcing “inclusivity” on the end user in such a manner; we should instead allow the user to pick skin tone preferences in an easy to understand manner, and allow the AI to process that signal as a part of it’s natural prompt.

    Obviously; where specific characters are concerned, the default skin tone of the character named in the prompt should be encoded and respected. If multiple versions of that character exist, it should take a user’s skin tone output selection into account and select the closest matching version.

    If the prompt is requesting a skin tone alteration of a character; that prompt should obviously be honored as well, and executed with the requested skin tone; and not the skin tone setting selection. As an example I can select “Prefer ligher skin tones” in the UI and still request that the AI should generate me a “darker skinned version” of a typically fairer skinned character.

    Instead of focusing on forcing “diversity” into prompts that didn’t ask for it; let’s just make sure that the AI has the full range of human traits available to it to pull from.

  • …I don’t trust it; even coming from a Post-Jobs version of Apple.

    Apple only ever cares about money. The fact that they make hardware that is beloved by many of the computer illiterate is unimportant…that’s only the way they make money. By exploiting people who don’t want to take the time to properly understand their computer hardware.

    The only reason why they care now is that there’s a big enough group of those customers who are technically savvy who are holding their feet to the fire and loudly informing the rest of the masses who are less knowledgeable about this kind of exploitative behavior and reminding everyone that they’re not the only ones losing massive amounts of data and time to spontaneous hardware failures that were made intentionally irreparable by design because it benefits Apple’s profits.

  • As I outlined in my comment; humans attempting validation of email addresses like this using patterns and words and domains that they know about is doing things incorrectly. Guide them as bluntly or as gently as you feel is necessary and or proper to educate them on what modern email addresses can look like.

    You maybe able to inform someone who might be expecting your email address to be at a common domain name that they should not make that assumption and that they should be double checking them regardless of what provider(s) they assume the person they are helping is using anyways.

    Someone asking you to repeat your email address again is a GOOD THING! It means they’re paying attention to inputting it into their system(s) correctly; It is mildy annoying when people assume that I use a common provider anyways, as they might inadvertently attempt to incorrectly “upgrade/update” my email address to the domain they use or know.

    An example I’ve experienced: I owned an original GMail account. Until they mothballed the domain I used it in that format. Inattentive people would attempt to substitute Another issue would be that My actual Username on said GMail account is a direct mispelling with one letter transposed into an incorrect position. This Misspelling is intentional, and it used to work to my advantage to dodge spambots using dictionaries to guess email IDs. Therefore for a short time people would attempt to “correct” it and I would always prefix my email address explaining they need to input it exactly as I spell it out.

    I suppose when dealing with E-Mails it is simply critical to make sure they repeat it back to you before submitting it. This is simply to avoid your E-Mails being mis-delivered anyways; which in some cases can be a Massive Headache when it does happen.

  • how is “more legit” than ?

    I genuinely see no factual or social difference in the domains; is a new domain even; and in the world of E-Mail that may even be a problem in rare cases.

    Realistically is shorter than The .com TLD is not better than any other, and all TLDs; including gTLDs are 100% valid for email addresses. Any Software or Human entity that assumes otherwise is doing things incorrectly; and should be promptly complained about loudly.