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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • An excerpt:

    AI-driven game mechanics excite board game enthusiasts, opening doors to more immersive and realistic gameplay. By delegating behind-the-scenes decision-making to AI algorithms, players can focus on the action unfolding before them rather than getting bogged down by complex behavior cards or rule sheets. Xplored envisions a board game landscape that mirrors video games, where meeples and tokens become dynamic counterparts to the traditional controller.

    While the promise of AI in board games holds immense potential for enhancing entertainment value, some cautious voices raise concerns about the potential impact on creative workers. Drawing parallels with the entertainment industry’s experimentation with AI-written scripts amid labor strikes, some fear that an AI-driven approach could lead to unemployment and obscurity for board game designers. Having previously flirted with the tech trend of NFTs, Hasbro is not immune to the allure of Silicon Valley’s latest golden geese, including Kickstarter and blockchain.

  • For all of the benefits and blessings that capitalism has given us, there are several things people need to realize:

    1. When we talk about all the good that capitalism has done for us, that’s a vanishingly small us. There are literally billions of people in the world today who are languishing in poverty that makes first-world poverty look downright lavish. Then there are those first-world impoverished, who doubtlessly do live lives of fruitless toil and abject misery. And now think about the people in centuries past – the serfs, the slaves, the child laborers… The fact that capitalism has managed to give some comfort to some of us in some countries in the past century does not negate the immense, incalculable suffering it took to get here. And as I said, very many people today, even in modernized nations, are suffering immeasurably still.

    2. Capitalism has overstayed its welcome regarding global crises like climate change. The profit motive seems not to be working at all, let alone with the appropriate urgency, toward the goal of saving us from the consequences of climate change. The scientific consensus largely appears to be that we’re too late to sidestep a cataclysm, but this is still not enough to prompt world leaders (i.e. the rich and powerful) to step up their game.

    3. On a more high-minded level, capitalism is inherently repugnant because the people at the top can only enrich themselves by skimming off of the rightful earnings of the ones at the bottom. This is unavoidable; how could the CEO get so rich if 100% of the laborers’ value was given to them? This goes beyond the natural reality that labor is required to survive. The issue here is that rather than having organized our economy around people laboring together for their own mutual benefit, we’ve organized our world such that the vast majority of us labor for the benefit of the few elites who only deign to pass on a pittance once the laborers become too uppity. People who oppose capitalism do not oppose labor; they oppose the way our global society has decided to distribute its results.

    4. Capitalism, at least in its cutthroat, largely unrestrained, American fashion, is by no means the only option we have. European countries demonstrate that capitalism can be moderated to work better for the masses, and there is no reason to believe even they’ve gone as far as they can. People love to jeer at communism for its many failures in implementation without seeming to realize that, as expressed above, countless people all over the world are currently suffering and starving and languishing under capitalism too.

  • I don’t really know the details of how they would translate from app to app, but I do know that ActivityPub is specifically designed to allow all of its apps to pull the same information. If an app utilizes ActivityPub, it inherently has the capability of displaying all of its components.

    If anyone sees that I’m wrong on something here, please feel free to correct me.