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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Mid 80’s, Boulder, Colorado. I was 10 Years Old. My Dad worked Graveyard shifts at Coors. He rode a Bicycle to work and back everyday. During his commute, he’d ride right by the Crossroads Mall. One morning, he came accross a ton of electronics and electronic components out in front of the mall, that were there as a result of the Radio Shack burning down the night before. Several employess were sifting through the remains, seeing what was salvageble. Anyways, my Dad was able to nab a Tandy 1000 RGB for $20 (~$500 New), with minor smoke damage. It came with all the bells and whistles. An actual Audio Cassette Recorder for data storage, Joy Stick, and several carted games. The only game I really remember was “Dungeon Explorer”. But I did get a few books from the library and learned how to write Basic.

  • I have 2 young adult children (20’s), and in retrospect I can see a few things we could have done better, but otherwise kept them safe, healthy, and I personally always pushed for them to be independent. I’m of the belief that there is no perfect way to raise a child. You can follow every line of wisdom, and still not get the results that were supposed to be the outcome of said wisdom.

    I also firmly believe that our environment is extremely toxic. Both socially and literally. Short of raising children 1000 miles from a city, perhaps a farm in the middle of no where, there is very few options for a healthier environment. Unless you are inherently wealthy, or grew up in a place similar, and are able to pass that lifestyle down…