he/him (cisgender)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Nah, I’d be like, go on! Do you associate that song with a particular event, person, time or place in your life? When did you first hear it? In what context is it your fave? Have you ever heard it played live? What was that like? Could you ever imagine another song taking its place or is it too sentimental or ingrained into your very being?

    Basically a question like “fave colour/song” is often a simple test. The kind of answer you give should indicate whether or not the topic can be opened up or expanded upon or even just indicate if you want to talk to this person at all right now. If you answer “blue I guess”, and look completely disinterested or “insert massive pop hit of the moment” and leave it at that, then they know to go about their day or try another topic like “So what about that sportsball game/weather/current event?”. But you might give them a nuanced answer that will lead to more conversation.

    It is handy to have a simple, 1 dimensional responce if you want to shut down the conversation quickly or direct it to another topic.

  • I was thinking of the supermarket duopoly we have here in New Zealand were the two major players own 85% of the total market. So it might not be comparible to this type of store? Margins here are around 20% so that’s coloured my read of this story. The obcene profits here are at the retailer and they pressure the wholesellers to reduce prices to where they can even exceed a 20% margin. We’re definitly in a “It would be a shame if your product couldn’t be found on our shelves” situation. They own everything from small country town stores to large city supermarkets.

  • Super hard to limit to just 5 but here’s the first that came to mind: Star Wars: A New Hope The Matrix Delicatessen The Science of Sleep The Fifth Element

    Any of the following could easily go somewhere on the above list :) Blade Runner, 12 Monkeys, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Brazil, The Hudsucker Proxy, Groundhog Day, Dark City, Inception & Intersteller (if only it didn’t have the whole love is a force that transcends dimensions and can be used to communicate across time and space stuff?!)

  • I’ve moved from Twitter to Mastodon and Reddit to Lemmy and am so far loving both. Even though they’re taking a bit to get used to they’re mostly pretty straight forward and familiar feeling in how they work. I will definitely miss certain subreddits but many of them are already here in some form or in the process of moving over. I really love the distributed model that is not at the behest of a single corporate entity or billionaire.