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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • But presumably you don’t just stare at the wall. “Humans need something to do” is mainly bound to not just sitting around twiddling your thumbs. It’s the reason we get bored, the brain is annoyed at not having anything to focus on.

    It doesn’t have to be literal work, just something you find engaging, be it going for a run, tending to houseplants, or completing your entire video game backlog.

    And of course there is variation between humans. Some people cope well with having little to do, others always need to do something they find productive.

  • light : No Thanks!

    medium : Catan, oddly enough.

    Heavy : Shasn

    Most played: Probably Talisman. Me and my wife played that a lot when we were getting together

    Favorite of all time: Probably still Shasn, but if I can count civ5/civ6 as a board game that gets pretty close.

    However I am a bit of a game omnivore that jumps from one game to the next, so I go through phases with what games are “in” at the moment and try new games frequentlt. My wife is the opposite, preferring what she knows and a solid set of few good games. As such we make a good team in blending variety and avoiding our board game shelf growing too quickly.

  • I feel that given the current trendyness of AI and large language models it seems prudent to mention Façade, an interactive play that used AI and language processing to let the player “speak” to the characters and influence tha narrative. It was very janky and you could break it rather easily, but the concept was solid - the technology was just a decade and a half away.