Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Eh… I’m just… Not sure a one-state solution would end well, even if you could get past the US. It’s not that I like Israel, I hate everything that Israel is doing right now. I’m absolutely disgusted by the way they’ve been treating the Palestinians. However, I also don’t want to see more violence and bloodshed. I’ve been sickened by the never ending march of dead bodies that our horrid, god-forsaken species seems to crave.

    I want a solution that will result in the least amount of violence and death, and I think something like a two-state solution is more likely to achieve that than telling Israelis that they’re now under Palestinian control.

  • Yep. That’s why I personally think it’s dumb to try and argue for the dissolution of Israel at this point. It’s too late. All you can do at this point is damage control and to try and find an equitable solution to the Israel-Palestine problem that gives both groups the ability to self-govern.

    It’d be like kicking all the Russians out of former USSR countries, or Chinese out of Tibet, or white people out of the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    Israel should be held accountable for what they’ve done to the Palestinians, but I also don’t think you can reasonably expect for everyone in Israel to pack up and leave at this point.

  • Because the Christian apocalypse requires the foundation of Israel. The Christian side is basically participating in an apocalypse cult, whether they realize it or not.

    I speculate that the reason the GOP is so supportive of Trump is because they believe he’s the literal Antichrist and they think that getting him reelected will bring about the end of days. I don’t have the link on me (though someone else might), but I remember reading an article by a Christian scholar or something about how Trump nailed every possible prophecy about the Antichrist that he could, either in a literal or metaphorical sense, during his presidency. Now, I personally thought some of them were stretching it, but it was still a bit freaky and made me consider the possibility that the GOP actually believes something like that.

    The funny/sad part is that if they truly are correct (I highly doubt it, but ehhh…), then that means they’ll be fucked alongside Trump due to their support of him. As far as I can remember, the Bible doesn’t give amnesty to the Antichrist’s supporters just because they believed they were “helping god”; if anything I think I remember the Bible saying the opposite (don’t try and force God’s hand or you’ll eventually face his wrath).

    (No, I’m not a Christian, but I still find it fascinating and mildly concerning)

  • I was talking more generally about the “younger generation” heh. I was happy to hear that she actually listens to them!

    Like, I try not to judge people for their tastes in music; I’m kinda at the point where I’ll listen to anything I find enjoyable. There are genres, themes, etc that’ll increase the chances of me enjoying it, but I just kinda listen to whatever sounds good.

    Hell, I unironically think that Super Ghostbusters, a shitty parody album made by a swedish twitch streamer that contains something like 25 variations (plus 10ish remixes that were recently added) of the same terrible Ghostbusters midi with Joel (aka Vargskelethor) babbling about a bunch of different reasons to call the Ghostbusters, is one of the best albums I’ve ever heard. The joke isn’t even that funny, except he drives it into the ground until it comes out the other side and becomes funny again. It’s garbage music, but if you have the same shitty sense of humor as Joel, then it’s hilarious; especially considering it’s backstory (Joel’s internet went out for a week, and being a musician and twitch streamer who relies on the Internet for both, slowly went insane from boredom and made the album to try and keep himself busy).

    (I do like good music too though, imo Devin Townsend’s Ziltoid the Omniscient is one of the best albums of all time).

    I just feel kinda strongly about not wearing band shirts if you don’t know who the band is heh.

  • Maybe all modern pop music, but there’s still a lot of good stuff out there. King Gizzard and Shpongle immediately jump to mind as being pretty unique.

    I’m looking forward to the day when pop music becomes so heavily manufactured that the music industry ends up killing itself by boring it’s consumers to tears. I’d be willing to bet that if the music industry collapsed then we’d have a year or two without any major releases, and then we’d suddenly have a tidal wave of some of the most unique music anyone’s heard in a long time.

  • As long as they aren’t doing the thing a lot of millennials did, aka wear popular band shirts without any clue who the band was.

    Before someone gets mad, I am a millennial. I saw this happen a lot growing up, and it was especially common with Nirvana shirts for some reason (I’m guessing hot topic stocked a lot of Nirvana shirts or something). It absolutely drove me up the wall.

    Hell, in general, don’t wear a shirt, badge, wristband or whatever if you don’t know what it’s saying; for all you know it could be secretly heiling Hitler and now you’re an unwitting Nazi magnet.

  • Yup. Eggs>livebirth. They’re also easier to expel because the shell helps it to slide through. Once you get it about 2/3rds of the way out, simply relaxing causes the rest to come out on its own. Still painful, but at least goes part of the way itself. Plus you don’t have to deal with a squirming, screaming creature wanting to gorge itself on your nutrient sacks while you’re trying to recover.

    Shock eggs are horrifying though. Yanno, when you thought your boyfriend pulled out and then you accidently commit infanticide.

    Edit: don’t ask what happens if the shell breaks while it’s still inside. You don’t wanna know. Be thankful you’re approaching this evolutionary step voluntarily and not due to natural evolution. Evolution sometimes decides that those kinds of questions aren’t worth bothering with. You’re lucky though. When the time comes, you’ll get to choose how you want your eggs done.

  • The real question is, is there anything outside your brain that is affecting your decisions. Otherwise, congratulations! You have free will!

    Well, yes. We are a collection of inputs and outputs. We cease to be in a vacuum. I can’t find the study, but I’m almost certain I remember reading about an experiment where scientists removed a rat brain and studied what happened when they gave it everything it needed except external stimuli. They found the brain atrophied and eventually just stopped. That doesn’t mean the same would happen to humans, but it suggests that external stimuli are necessary for consciousness.

    Our lives appear to be a chain of cause and effect impacted by our surroundings. Any prediction or anticipation we do is in response to external stimuli priming us to expect some form of action or inaction to occur.

    To try and put it another way, your response was predetermined, as is mine. The text on the screen released photons in a pattern my brain could recognize, which were then focused by my cornea and projected onto my retina. Those photons were translated into a mix of chemical and electrical impulses that traveled up my optic nerves and into my brain. From there, they were filtered through a highly complex series of algorithms that used things like prior experience and personality to decide whether or not I should respond, and if so, how I should do it. At no point in this did I actually get to choose, everything was cause and effect with my choice being an illusion.

    This isn’t some grand conspiracy theory about lizard men hijacking your brainwaves; it’s just simple cause and effect. You responded the way you did because deep inside your brain, you decided that what you wrote was the best way to respond based on prior experience, and so you did. The same is true for me.

  • I mean, it’s pretty obvious free will is an illusion if you stop and think about how the universe functions. If everything is governed by physics, then why would we be special? In order for “true” free will to exist, it is necessary to exist outside the realm of physics in order to make decisions without said decisions being affected by the chemical and electrical signals in your brain. You have to be able to make choices that won’t be influenced by the physical world, which, afaik, there is no evidence for.

    However, even from a philosophical standpoint: if we rewound time to the last major choice you made, so that you could make it all over again, would you do anything different?

    Keep in mind that we rewound time and you don’t have any new knowledge that you acquired after originally making the choice.

    Personally, I can’t see a reason why I’d make any other choice. As such, that seems like a much larger existential crisis in the same vein that you should be concerned with.

  • Extroverts don’t seem to understand that not showing interest in their sexual lives doesn’t mean disrespect, but simply that I don’t care about it.

    I was on the fence until this. This is extremely unprofessional and, if I understand correctly, could even get the company sued. Here’s how I’d personally handle it; but take this with a grain of salt because I’ve never actually had to deal with something like this before:

    First, talk to a lawyer. Tell them what’s going on an get their thoughts and suggestions. The suggestions following may be way off-base.

    Then, start keeping track of every time she brings something like that up, and log how you responded, how it made you feel, how she reacted to you response. You’re collecting evidence for a lawsuit on the basis of a toxic and highly unprofessional work environment that’ll hopefully never actually happen.

    Once you have enough info that you could potentially launch said lawsuit, double-check with your lawyer and then you go to HR.


    Make sure you log your interaction with HR as well; what you discussed, if you felt your concerns were heard during the meeting, and then make a follow-up log a week or two later to note if there was any change as a result of your meeting.

    If there was no change, talk to your lawyer and consider trying again (and log everything again), and again, do not threaten, mention or even hint at any kind of legal action whatsoever. You’re trying to give the company ample chance to respond to your concerns.

    If there was still no change, go talk to your lawyer about the possibility of pursuing legal action. It could be legitimately worth it, especially if they decide to fire you after your first or second meeting with HR.

    Your goal is to have a paper trail so long and thorough that you can hang them with it (figuratively, in court) if necessary.