• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🏝️🐒iel
    27 days ago

    Gegen rechte Gewalt, aber eben gegen ALLE Rechte Gewalt.

    Nee, nicht “aber”.

    Gegen Rechte Gewalt, wirklich gegen ALLE rechte Gewalt, also selbstverständlich auch jugendliche Nazis.

    Wenn wir das Erstarken des Faschismus verhindern wollen müssen wir so eine Nazischeiße gesellschaftlich konsequent sanktionieren. Das darf nicht okay sein. Das darf nicht normal sein. Keine Toleranz der Intoleranz. Keine Toleranz diesen “Jugendlichen”.

    Und wenn du jetzt sagst, ja aber aber es gibt ja andere Fälle wo nicht so drastisch reagiert wird, dann sag ich dir du stellst die falschen Forderungen. Rechte Extremisten schonen, nur weil es anderswo auch rechte Extremisten gibt, lässt dem Faschismus letztendlich vollkommen freie Hand. Was du stattdessen fordern solltest ist mehr gesellschaftliche Empörung, nicht weniger. Über jede Art von Faschismus. Dass es dieses Mal bei den Jugendlichen geklappt hat ist was gutes.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlInsomnia
    4 months ago

    No what I’m saying is maybe you are sensitive (for whatever reason - from a exceptional metabolism to placebo, over other sensitivities/allergies, complex psychological effects, etc everything is possible) but it’s certainly not because glutamate is a neurotransmitter.

    Neurotransmitters and the stuff in our bloodstreams (nutrients, hormones and so on) are two very different systems. Think of it as a river and a power grid. We all have this massive stream of different molecules in our bodies, and we have an elaborate information system made from electric and chemical signaling, like cables and batteries, working right beside it. The batteries might happen to utilize the same molecules that swim around in the river, but they still have nothing to do with each other. The river doesn’t touch the batteries, and your body very carefully decides which part it takes out of the water and into the batteries. Highly simplified of course, but that’s kinda how you can imagine why one doesn’t hurt the other.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlInsomnia
    4 months ago

    To add:

    • No visible clocks. If possible don’t check the time at all while trying to sleep. Doing math at night (aka “oh no only 4 hours left”) only makes you angry or sad.
    • No alcohol. If unavoidable, try to be sober by the time you want to fall asleep. (Dring sooner, if at all.)
    • No coffee after midday. Some bodies suck at metabolising it.
    • Bedroom should be as dark and silent and comfy as possible. If there’s any way you can add comfort, do it.
    • For persisting sleep problems: Change position or location. (E.g. turn completely around in your bed, feet at the headrest, or sleep on the couch if comfortable.) Brains are very good at linking a location with a state of mind, and changing things around can help if the thought of your bed stresses you out already.

    For severe problems it’s probably always wise to check with a physician, or if there’s specific stuff in your head that keeps you awake to consider telling a friend or therapist about it. To distance yourself from your thoughts is something everybody can learn and it can be tremendously helpful with stuff like that.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlInsomnia
    4 months ago

    Even though you’re right in that glutamate is a neurotransmitter, eating it doesn’t affect our brain chemistry at all. It can’t pass the blood-brain-barrier. Which is relieving since basically every food group contains it and flooding our brain with that would lead to violent epileptic seizures and certain death. Not insomnia.

    And melatonin isn’t a neurotransmitter but a hormone.

    So maybe you do in fact sleep better when avoiding specific food groups in the evening, but your explanation certainly isn’t correct.

    Just putting this out there since glutamate is such a highly misunderstood molecule surrounded by many misconceptions, this one being a very common one.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🌱iel
    5 months ago

    Ich hab mal Hausschuhe online gekauft, “mit veganen Materialien”. Das halbe Ding ist aus Leder. Aber ein Dekostreifen oben drauf ist aus Plastik.

    Ich mein, ja technisch gesehen habt ihr nicht gelogen, aber verarscht fühl ich mich trotzdem.

    Alles andere als das Vegan-Siegel kann man halt eigentlich vergessen.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🗨️iel
    6 months ago

    Ich fände es ein bisschen schade, wenn offizielle Infos und Status-Updates jetzt auf einem Weg kommen, für den ich nochmal einen separaten Account brauche. Da hab ich nämlich wenig Lust drauf.

    Wenns für dienenigen gedacht ist, denen auf Feddit das persönliche Element fehlt und die sich die Memes am liebsten gegenseitig vorlesen würden: Viel Spaß euch, ich bleib hier.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich iel
    6 months ago

    Manche Versandhäuser von Sexspielzeug bieten an, auf den Karton irgendwas Unschuldiges zu schreiben. Druckerzubehör ist ein echtes Beispiel, das man da auswählen kann. Oder man wählt “neutralen Karton” und bekommt ein schneeweißes Paket, das in ungefähr so unauffällig aussieht wie ein weißer Lieferwagen ohne Seitenfenster :D

  • I mean what’s more important to you, being able drop the info about time zones when scheduling international meetings, or preserving humanities ability to communicate time respectively to the actual time of day?

    I’ve lived in three countries so far and never actually had trouble scheduling anything. The concept of time of day on the other hand is pretty prevalent in my daily life.

  • Ahem. Oops.

    But in a way that’s a good example for what I meant. You and me communicate time both in reference to the time of day, not a virtual time of the planet that means something else to everyone depending on location, and you easily could spot my mistake.

    So let’s just say I did that on purpose.

  • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    Communication about times would get so much easier, communication about schedules would get so much easier.

    Except that it wouldn’t. It would make communication about time a culture sensitive topic. Sure, the exact time of day in relation to the position of the sun might get lost with our current system, but if someone tells you “I’ve slept til 12am” at least you know it was somewhat around noon. Under your new system you’d always have to consider where someone lives.