• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Well given that the Jaffa operate strategically pretty much the same as the Goa’uld their main air defence is what you already showed in your OP: the glider. And beyond that any other Goa’uld ship they can get their hands on.

    But yeah, in the show we see MANPADs, air-to-air missiles, and even an unguided rocket launcher being successfully used against gliders and other small to medium ships. So deploying them Patriot batteries to Dakara would have been a good idea probably. Also those AA railguns (?) that get used at the battle for Atlantis at the end of season 1.

    Ancient drones would of course be king if you could get a production chain for ammunition and a launch platform going, those things just shred any Goa’uld ship (or other ship for that matter) if you have enough. In lieu of that Asgard/Tolan energy weapons should be the most effective air defence, save for the nastier opponents smart enough to adapt shields on the fly like Replicators and whatnot.

  • Right so WhatsApp and messenger are gatekeepers and they must allow interoperation with who anyone who wants to ie me running my own signal instance?

    There are several stipulations on interoperability in the new regulation (Ctrl+F “interop”). To my understanding it is stipulated that they have to make interoperability possible for certain third parties, but how to go about this is not exactly specified on a technical level - meaning the specific way to implement this is left to the gatekeeper. So your Signal server may or may not be able to depending on how exactly they go about this.

    They also need to interoperate with signal hence if a works with b and c works with a why wouldn’t b work with c?

    No they need to enable interoperability period. Says nothing about Signal (the software) per se. Meta has announced they plan on implementing it based on the Signal protocol (not Signal messenger software, not Signal server software).

    Cos if thats hoe it works or if im not allowed to interoperate with WhatsApp or messenger in the first place then this juat seems like its handing the monopoly away from the companies to the government and giving the people fuck all.

    To my knowledge the aim of the regulation is exactly that, to allow anybody interoperability with these “core platform services”. The status quo is that the regulations has been announced by the EU, it has gone into effect, and Meta has announced how they will implement interoperability to comply. Once the implementation is available and then found lacking in regard to the regulation it would be up to the affected third party to sue Meta over it.

  • In Germany, Mein Kampf is banned except for educational purposes, eg in history class.

    Strictly speaking this is incorrect, although the situation is somewhat complicated. There are laws that can be and were used to limit its redistribution (mainly the rule against anti-constitutional propaganda), but there are dissenting judgements saying original prints from before the end of WW2 cannot fall under this, since they are pre-constitutional. One particular reprint from 2018 has been classified as “liable to corrupt the young”, but to my knowledge this only means it cannot be publicly advertised.

    What is interesting though is how distribution and reprinting was prevented historically, which is copyright. As Hitlers legal heir the state of Bavaria held the copyright until it expired in 2015 and simply didn’t grant license to anything except versions with scholarly commentary. But technically since then anybody can print and distribute new copies of the book. If this violates any law will then be determined on a case-by-case basis after the fact.

  • Sam is a woman with reproductive bits on the inside, but she can hold her own. You have shown us this many times. Why do you insist on both showing and telling us over and over and over. Sam kicks ass on her own, it doesn’t need to feel forced.

    Given that most of this happens early on I always saw it as a somewhat heavy-handed approach to make it unequivocally clear to the machos in the potential audience that they aren’t welcome to the fandom. I mean have you met the patriarchally inclined? They aren’t the brightest bunch. Reading between the lines is hard for them…

  • Given that you have already received some replies which I largely agree with I’m going to focus on some of the specific points of critique you raised.

    The mystery and intrigue gets overshadowed by sexism,

    I mean I can’t really say that this isn’t portrayed in the show, especially in the first few episodes, but I can’t recall any instance of it being portrayed as a good thing. Quite the contrary actually.


    The show is indeed rather militaristic, but given that the antagonists are a species of parasitic aliens with a god-complex


    (a plot point which gains more nuance in later seasons as well by the way)

    I always saw this as a thinly veiled metaphor for armed resistance against the divine right of kings. So I wouldn’t go quite so far as to call it jingoistic, although overtly militaristic is certainly a fair assessment.

    characters that can be summed up on a postage stamp

    As you already surmised this gets fleshed out a bit more later on, but stays more or less the same. Most characters, certainly the main cast in any case, stay rather archetypical with some character development happening though.

    and plots and scenes that are contrived and clumsy.

    This happens throughout the entire series unfortunately, but it varies a lot from episode to episode rather than from season to season. There are some rather interesting interpretations of common and uncommon sci-fi tropes throughout as well.

    do they ever solve how the female token character is being treated?

    Since you didn’t exactly point out your problem with her portrayal I can only guess what you mean, but yes, I do think so. There are also other women joining the supporting cast (and even main cast in the last few seasons), leading to less frequent failure of the Bechdel test.

    Does it ever stop feeling cheap and schlocky?

    Not quite, but the first two seasons are certainly the worst in this regard, mixed in with most of the retconning happening to their content.

    All that said, there is a reason the original show has 10 seasons at 22 episodes each, three movies, and four spin-offs, and if you can stomach early Star Trek TNG (or even TOS), you will probably enjoy at least the SG-1 series overall.

    IMHO the first season is the weakest, second season is not great not terrible, 3-8 is the peak, 9, 10, and the two TV movies trail off a bit although still better than the first two seasons.

    If you want to skip some seasons you should be aware that most of them have a “clip-show” episode towards the end that recaps the season and embeds them into the larger narrative happening in the background. I’d say the bad episodes are worth stomaching for the context though.

    Atlantis spin-off is worth the watch if you liked SG-1 overall. Chronology is a bit weird though, SG-1 season 9 and 10 and Atlantis season 1 and 2 overlap.

    Universe spin-off you can skip unless you got really invested.


    Universe ends without wrapping up its underlying narrative in any way since the show got canceled.

    Haven’t watched the animated spin-off, Origins was meh.

    In conclusion, it’s probably worth giving it a shot if you can manage to not take it too seriously.

  • It seems like it would be a bit confusing, though, if you had to relearn times whenever you travel somewhere (edit: and dates could flip over in the middle of a work day). But maybe you’d prefer that.

    I’d prefer that over having to change clocks when you travel, and having to have knowledge about the location and possibly having to flip the date when you encounter a reference to a specific time, yes.

    Before they were invented, it was literally just anarchy. People set it to match people they knew. That’s what I was thinking of, but it could also just be one place where noon is at 12:00 PM.

    Yes, you would obviously do the latter. No sense it going back to the bad old days.

    Well, there’s not a round number of second in a day, or days in a year, for example, since they’re all naturally occurring and arbitrary.

    Days in a year ok (except leap years). But seconds in a day are round (discounting days with leap seconds). 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400, which is divisible by two. Did you mean they are not based on the decimal system? I’d be up for a decimal based time system and a reorganised calendar, but that wasn’t the topic of discussion here.

    And then the Earth turns at a subtly non-constant rate, and people have settled on a seven day week.

    Yeah but none of that has much impact on the timezone debate.

    If you do have timezones, it doesn’t make sense to be inflexible with them when they run up against geography or trade and cultural ties, so they’ll be curvy, and geopolitics will itself change over decades and someone will want to change which one they’re in.

    Fair enough. I acknowledged this point in my other post, that there are historical reasons for timezones mostly rooted in administrative requirements. But I don’t think this is a good reason to not adopt a better system per se.

    All of this is a headache if you just want to do a calendar calculation.

    Exactly! So out with the old, in with the new. Sure this will create some other headaches, especially given how deeply rooted some of the relevant nomenclature is in most languages, but the sooner we change this the less it will hurt. I see that it might be a non-starter given the inertia and disunity of globalised society working against it, but it still seems desirable nonetheless, to me at least.

  • And when it does happen it’s usually clarified. In more automated contexts (e.g. a scheduled YouTube premiere) the software converts it automatically - the author inputs the date and time in their own timezone, and viewer sees the converted date and time in their own timezone.

    My point exactly though, this is a whole lot of complexity we could just get rid of by using a single timezone, with the added benefit of that working without any automation or clarification. Next Tuesday 14:00? Same time for everybody, regardless of locality. Everyone will know what part of the solar day that is for them by habit.

    When it does happen it reminds us that the date and time falls on a different time of day for different participants.

    The complexity of coordinating different solar cycles is there either way and unavoidable. So why not use the simpler system?

    Meet me here tomorrow at 01:00

    Yes, semantic drift in these terms would be unavoidable, but I still see the long-term benefits to clarity outweighing the short-term costs in it.

  • We already have that for technology to use - the unix timestamp.

    A unix timestamp is an offset to a UTC date, not a timezone. But fair enough, there is UTC. It’s not used by default however, except by scientists and programmers maybe.

    Maybe I’m missing something. What do you think the benefits would be?

    Removing ambiguity from casual language. Currently when you state a time you are almost always implying your local timezone applies, which might be unknown information to the recipient, especially with written sources like these comments here. With everybody using the same timezone instead you would always make an unambiguous statement about the specific time by default.

  • What would happen on people that live in UTC+12:00 ? When your friend say “lets meet on Tuesday”, which Tuesday it is (because the day changes at noon)?

    Given how +12 is at the front of the “date wave” currently they would probably take it to mean the Monday/Tuesday noon.

    People will resist such majorly inconvenience changes unless the benefit of switching is clear for them. Forcing unpopular changes will guarantee people using unofficial timezone which cause even more confusion down the line.

    Yeah fair. To me the benefit is clear, there is no good rhyme or reason to timezones as a totality, we should come up with a better system. A straightforward approach like using UTC offsets seems best.

  • They just gave an example though of people who made up their own timezone because the official one was bad.

    Yeah, and in reply I argued that they did this out of not wanting to change their habit of associating 12 o’clock with noon. Which is in my opinion an understandable impulse but not a good reason to preserve the status quo.

    These systems exist for people

    Yeah fair, I’m aware I’m toeing unpopular opinion territory here.

    and if no one other than programmers wants to do the internal calculus of “The sun is setting and they’re a quarter of the earths rotation Eastward, so that means they’re probably in bed” every time you want to call someone, then we shouldn’t make the standard that way.

    But the standard is like that right now, worse even with DST and other complexities.

    Right now you just look up the timezone in their profile and send it at 9:00, but without timezones, you need a “database of regional conventions for coordinating business hours”, which is just a worse way of having timezones.

    Well no you need an offset. Like the user has set +8:30 as their offset, so send the notification at 00:30 UTC. That’s not worse than having timezones, that’s having timezones but simpler.

    Timezones exist because they have a purpose.

    Yeah, and some of those purposes are bonkers.

    It’s like abolishing everything except latin1 because Unicode is a pain.

    More like getting everyone to use Unicode, but whatever. Like I said I see why it would be unpopular to the point of being unenforceable, but that doesn’t mean an unambiguous way of communicating time as the default would be entirely undesirable.