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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • Did you fall in the shower and hit your head before thinking this? It’s so incredibly dumb on multiple levels.

    Voyager 1 isn’t even outside our solar system yet, at the moment of writing this it’s close to 15,200,000,000 miles from our sun, that’s 0.0026 light years.

    the closest star to ours is Proxima Centauri, about 4.2 light years away, part of a triple star system called Alpha Centauri. It would take Voyager 1 over 16,000 years to reach it if it was going there, which it’s not. The first “close” (1.6 light-years) flyby of a star Voyager 1 will have is of Gliese 445, which is 17.1 light years away from us, in 40,000 years.

    You seem to think that other stars are right at the edge of our solar system or something, that’s the only thing I can come up with that makes your post make any sense. Just because Voyager 1 is far away from us doesn’t mean it’s close to anything else. It has barely moved in astronomical distances, we will continue to be the closest thing to it for another 20,000 years.

  • There’s plenty of other stuff being made, and I’m pretty sure you either know that and just wanted to complain or somehow didn’t know, in which case it’s your own fault for not even trying to find everything else. There are always trending genres, that’s always been and will always be a thing. You don’t need to be a dick just because you aren’t a fan of the currently trending ones. You have literally all games ever made to play, nothing is forcing you to play only the most recent and popular ones. And a couple of years from now some other genre will be trending, maybe even ones you like. But as said, there’s plenty of good games being released in all genres and formulas, just look for what you like and you’ll find it, it’s really not hard.

  • I understand why they do it, though. Because every time there is something skippable, people will skip it and then go and complain about being confused or saying the game didn’t explain something well enough. A good thing that should be more common is things shouldn’t be skippable the first time you play a game and then skippable after that.

    Many wish for less handholding in games, then completely miss major features or story beats because they skipped whatever they needed to get that info and go and pester the devs or others about it.