Just a silly feller

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • This might sound like a crazy answer from a crazy person but hear me out. If they are good people and you’re somewhat familiar with them, just call them kooks, say that shit’s all made up and dismiss it. just don’t be aggressive about it, people can still be on good terms without agreeing on everything. Just be like “nah man, no way that happened these shows are just people who want attention, if it was real there’d be better evidence and it’d be all over the news.”

    I honestly think this is the best way to go, you’re engaging them honestly, attacking the show, not them. And so long as you don’t get hung up on their response or ‘winning the argument’ I think you can all remain on good terms. How you go about this obviously depends on how friendly you are with them but if they’re good people they’ll still be your friend even if you’re too dumb to see the truth about aliens.

  • I dislike that you used quotes to misrepresent what they said by making them sound like a cartoon caveman. Poor form.

    Also I remember why I and, presumably, a lot of others moved to chrome in the first place. Firefox started getting really bloated and adding a bunch of default features that people either didn’t want or already used an extension for, the main selling point of firefox back then was extensions and customising your own browsing experience. Adding a first party ad blocker just seems like a waste of time when third party ones likely do a better job.

    I get your point, though, I can definitely see why a default one might be a nice marketing note, but no need to be rude about someone disagreeing with your speculation.

  • I really appreciate the thought you put into your response, thank you! The use case isn’t anything too long term, but for an educational AR app with location dependant stuff, so people will only be able to see stuff from different locations. One of the locations will be a tree (relevant to the narrative of the app) that’s placed on a lawn. There is a paved area very close to the tree, though, so I think we’ll make all of the content accessible from the paved area just to make sure everyone is able to view it.