• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I didn’t know that was a controversial opinion? Do you think that Apple are as bad as Google or Meta in terms of privacy?

    Apple does have privacy violations, but the things I’ve seen them get caught doing are minor compared to the things that many other companies do openly.

    The main point of the article you’ve linked is that Apple put the equivalent of a “Do not track” option in a browser, and it did exactly the same of a “Do not track” option in a browser (nothing). Does that mean that any browser with a DNT request option is bad for privacy?

    Adding an option that is somewhat misleading isn’t ideal, but it’s incomparable to something like Cambridge analytica incident, or the tracking that Google put basically everywhere on the Internet.

    By the way, I am in no way defending Apple. I’m just saying that everything that Apple does, companies like Google and Meta also do, just ten times over.

    I believe an iPhone is way better than a Pixel for privacy, even if both are far from ideal. I’d love to be proven wrong, tho.

  • you can’t move that account somewhere else.

    That means you can migrate between servers and keep all your friends and followers, something that’s currently not possible in the Fediverse.

    It absolutely is possible to move accounts between instances on the fediverse. I’ve done it multiple times.

    It does have some quirks tho. Posts aren’t migrated to your new account. (Some fedi software lets you migrate posts, but from what I hear it’s kinda jank).

    It’s not seamless, but the option is there, and you won’t lose any friends or followers (unless they’re defederated or something)

    Bluesky accounts seem like they’ll be more portable than fediverse accounts but I don’t know much about it

  • NicoCharrua@lemmy.catoFediverse@lemmy.worldMastodon features
    9 months ago

    Nah, doesn’t really work for me. Most topics I want to follow, hashtags are either not used, or used too broadly so I’m not really interested in what I get, or used too often so my feed gets filled with posts and I can’t see the people I’m following.

    What I do is if I want to see somebody’s posts but I don’t want to see all of their posts, I put them into a list. Then if they boost a post I like, I check out the person’s account and either add them or don’t add them to the list. Doesn’t work too well, but it’s not awful either.

    And then I also have 1 hashtag pinned (Moshidon feature), so that I can see the posts on it without getting them in my home feed.

  • NicoCharrua@lemmy.catoFediverse@lemmy.worldMastodon features
    9 months ago
    • Proper federation of favorites and boosts. You can’t see favorites from people outside of your instance for some reason, and boosts are sorta federated from people outside of your instance, but still not fully. Lemmy manages to federate upvotes fine, so it seems like it’d be possible.

      The app I use (Moshidon) loads the actual favorite count when you open the favorites list, but it’s annoying I have to go through that step.

    • Quoting Posts

    • Higher poll option count. 4 is not enough. I’d say it should be at least 6, preferably something like 15 or 25.

    • Higher character count per post. No reason for it to be capped at 500. I’d say the default should be 1500.

      Also I think it’s hard for admins to change the default character count, so that should be made easier.

    • I’d really like an algorithm (optional, of course). Getting content you want to see is really difficult. It’s hard to find people to follow, and when you do you get all of their posts in your feed, not just the ones you want to see.

  • That’s a great idea! I didn’t know about shields.io. Just added it to !celeste@lemmy.ca

    I changed the link a little from the one you posted. Mine is:

    [![Subscriber Count](https://img.shields.io/lemmy/celeste%40lemmy.ca?logo=lemmy&label=Subscribers)](https://lemmy.ca/c/celeste)

    Subscriber Count

    • I added alt text (so if the image doesn’t load, or people are using screen readers, they can still understand what it is),
    • changed ‘Total Subscribers’ to just ‘Subscribers’,
    • and made the badge a link to the community in the original instance, so anyone wondering why the numbers don’t match up can click the badge to see where the number’s coming from.

  • The fear is sometimes overblown, though. It’s awful for privacy, but it gets exaggerated a lot of the time, even in the comment you’re replying to.

    (…) enables websites to use Google’s new “Topics API” to view web addresses in your browser history.

    People are generally concerned because it allows a site like Petsmart.com to learn that you bank at WellsFargo.com and that you also visit Nickelodeon.com frequently.

    This isn’t true. Websites only see some of the topics you visit, so in this example maybe Banking (or something a little more specific like savings account), and comics and animation. Here is the list of topics.

    What can you do to protect yourself? Don’t use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

    It’s a good idea to stop using Google products and Chromium based web browsers, but you don’t have to if you want to avoid Topics API. You can opt out of it (at least for now), and some chromium browsers like Vivaldi, Brave and Ungoogled Chromium will probably remove it from their browsers.

    Imo the biggest problem with it (over other types of tracking), is that like RagnarokOnline said, any website can get the info, not just the advertisers. So say, the company you’re working for could be told you’re interested in Job Listings, or Retirement & Pension.