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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I have yet to see the movie so I can’t really comment about the content/message as it relates to conservative media

    Same here. I was planning on getting tickets this weekend, but knowing that a portion of my money will be going to support conservative hate commentators has made me change my mind.

    A24 is a business

    This is true, but they’re also (AFAIK) still privately-owned, which doesn’t make them beholden to the same “line go up at all costs” legal requirements of public businesses. They could have conceded some monetary returns of it meant keeping their principles, IMO.

    I honestly wasn’t even aware that A24 was left-leaning.

    Maybe it just speaks to how poorly I view the right nowadays, but A24 always seemed pretty leftist to me. More than almost any studio of their size or larger, they seem to emphasize the stories of marginalized folks in a way that (again, to me) felt authentic. Their movies always featured POC or LGBT performers or characters that didn’t just feel like tokens but also didn’t hand-wave the experiences of belonging to those groups. Which is why I feel especially confused that they’ve decided to fund the people that make a living off hating those same groups.