Unpopular opinion: your opinion is not unpopular at all.
Unpopular opinion: your opinion is not unpopular at all.
Ich brauche eine Erklärung.
Sind Drachen nicht ein biblisches Tier? Der heilige Georg hat doch einen erlegt und ist deswegen einer der Hauptheiligen der Feuerwehr
This is what I LOVE about German culture.
“How are you/Wie geht es dir” is a serious question. So you just ask that if you are genuinely ready for 2-3 minutes of information about the person’s situation.
I went to an English boarding school for half a year and once a teacher walked by and asked me “how are you”. Now I know she was just polite. But she looked so bewildered once I gave her an update on beeing so far from home for the first time and that the rooms are very very small etc. She was absolutely not ready for these 2-3 minutes, and I even think she was in a hurry.
Of course “I am suffering from serious depression and my life is in shambles” is also not a normal answer in Germany, but “puh, it’s been rough the past few weeks, but I guess better time will come” totally is. Then it’s the other person’s choice to dig deeper or just accept that answer.